TO REST APTS. ROOMS-BOARD-HOUSEKEEPINO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -STORE FIXTUREI- Cljinisa Sattjj STrifoitti -Tl RIMT APTSe MORTH Do you know you can afford HOTELS APARTMENT HOTELS THE, IDEALLY LOCATED CROYDON HOTEL has newly decorated, attractively furnished 1 room apts. with modern kitnts. Also desirable hotel rooms 'a The Patrician Apartments 401 FULLERTON-PKWY. Opposite Lincoln Park Some Apts.
Face Laks Switchboard Servlcs Class io Shopping 3V2 rooms 4 rms. w2 bednns. ALL LARGE ROOMS UNUSUALLY LGE. CLOSETS NEW KITCHENS MODERN BATHROOMS NEW DECORATING Inspection 9 a r. to 6 p.
n. Resident Mgr. on Premises GRaceland 7-7CC0 3950 LAKE SHORE DR. NEW 23 STORY EUILDING 2 bedroom from $185 3 bedrroom from $240 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Rental Includes gas. electric and window cleaning.
Doorman, garapf, commissary, receiving room. 24 hour desk to add to your security ad convenience. Laks Shore Management Co. Diversey 8-7300 THE LARGEST, NEWEST LUXURY 5 ROOM APTS. 2435 V.
Air-conditioned Elevator. Immediate occupancy. AGENT ON PREMISES 10-5 OR CALL AMbassador 2-6995 BAiRD WARNER 1415MORSE 5240 SHERIDAN-RD. 2H rms. Rental 8110-S165.
Available now and Oct. 1st. Besut. view of lake and Outer-dr. New kitch.
equip. Select own decorating. 24 hour swHchbd. Window warning, laundry, sun deck. Wired for air cond.
See today. LOngbeach 1-1400 535 ARLINGTON-PL. Quiet obrhd. Good trans. 4 $110; 2Vi.
S75. Inspect by appt Call Lincoln 9-4599 or RAndolph 6-2663 HOLLYWOOD PARK 5701 N. Kimball New de luxe air-cond. bldg. 3 Bedrm.
Corner 2d Inspection daily 1-5 p. m. 2V2 ROOMS 585 3 ROOMS $95 New kitchen sinks, wash basins and medicine cabinets; floors newly sanded. Decorating allowance and tre gas. See janitor at 511 Deming-pi.
or vv t.ntwortn p-uoiy. DAMEN-BIRCHWOOD APTS. 5 rm. 2 bedroom apt. 6 rm.
3 bedrm. 1H bath Garden apt. $165 mo. New de luxe bldg. Fine res- nghbd.
Gd. shops. P. HUEPFL 7521 N. DAMEJ $99 FOR beautiful 5th floor bdrm.
newly decorated. Free gat. view of lake; newly decorated. Free gas, light, parquet floors. 24 hr.
switchboard, elev. building. WHitehall TOWN HOUSES 8 rooms. 3 bedrooms. baths, full bsmt.
Near North. Close to schools, park, shopping-. to 225 LES LI EB LUMDElaw2re 7-2 1 3400 LAKE SHORE DRIVE Spac. attractively arranged 1 bdrm. apt.
Light, airy- rms. in well maintained elev. bide. Call Mrs. Ptlers at 4660 BROADWAY Lee- 6 rm.
apt. 3d steam heat; stove and nr. bus. shopping. Adults preferred.
Rent $95. ZINI REALTY HUdson3-727J 647 GORDON TERRACE 2V4 $75. Available suw. Also 4 rms. Avail.
Oct. 1. $115. LOngbeach 1-1400 CHILDREN WELCOME 6H rm. apt.
near Mrine-dr. 3d fl. Dble. plumbing. S14'J.
uct. 1. occup. LAkeview 5-1018 or LAkevit 5-9200. 1 ivn a nnmrs 1 and 2 bedrm.
apts. in new bids. Poss. Sept. ist.
Air cord. Parking available. 7348 N. Seelty. Open l-j From J120.HOliycourt5-8S20.
4 RM. APT. S87.50. 1 bdrm. Very lge.
K1rm. 2d fit. Aug. 1st. Close to Addison and Southpotu Buckingham 1-7333 6 ROOMS De luxe, plus htd.
paneled nnrrh 2 baths. Beau. 6 fiat. 3d fir. $187.50.
Gar. Damett-Jartu. Aiicm-an 2-2233iROgers Park 4-5263 4136 N. SHERIDAN 2 rms. 2d fir.
S72.50; bdrm. 1st fir. $77 50: 3 rms. Gar U- den apt. $80.
AMbassador Z-BS 1 5T fl on Ri'rersweet nr. Manne-dr. 5 rms. and sun parlor: encL rear porch; 2 full bains. 1 ccr.
tile. $140. EAsigate 72423. 5 LGE. rms.
1st fir. outside new tile bath; children welc; avail. Aug. 1st. S169 50.
6147N.Seeley AMbassador 272 07 DELIGHTFUL Eng. bsrnt. apt. lge. liv.
w. b. bdrm. Marine-dr. WAbash 2-267? days: UPtown 8-6845eve.
Missaterljji NEW 3 RM. STUDIO Tile bath-shower, modern kitchen. Venetian blinds, other features $125 2252 Cleveland. Superior 7-6160 LARGE DELUXE 4 rm. apt Newly dec.
ilod. stove. t5C shop. Reas. Imtned.
occup. Adults. 7523 N. Claremont. Clark.
5000 K. ON Calif. 5 plus htd. Slpg- 219. sa.
3-7502 or RAvenswood 8-6273. ATTRACT. 5 rm. apt 2nd lge. church.
EDgewater 4-1659. 5 LGE. rms. 24ol N. CIark-t.
bee lamtor, van revrei 446 ARLINGXONrPU. 4 2 bdrm. garden apt Strm. win dows. Avail.
Aug. l. ISO mo. oovi "3 RMS- MOD. NEAR CAKE Pvt.
hth, cab. kitchen, stove S82.50. SUnnyside 4-6718 1238 CARMEN 3 rms. Mod. bids.
pvt. bath, fio mo. ivr. sncps. trans.
New SUnnyside. 4-92 12. COOL modern rm. English bsmt. $110. tnornoaie. nnncnui 4-1676; aft. 6, ARdmore l-14i9 "garden apt. New bldg. Vic.
foster ana ivuvkcu. ainjv.n by aont. FRanklin 2-1621. SUB-LEASE 2 bdrms. AH windu i l.
OflSi! 1 -Srm CKnr Avail. Aug. 1. Lincoln S-39S0. 6 RM.
APT. Avail. Aug. 1. Re a.
See anytime. Conv. to transp. A venswqpd8 -97 57jUer3 3'4 RMS. New elev.
bldg. Air cotid. Cptg. to sell. Free pkg.
BRoada Park 4-5558. RM Ibdrm.J apts. Fireproof. elev. swbd-.
util. incl. New. dec. $U0mo.
7600 N. BoswortH 2Vi RM. apt No bedrm. Good trans. Nr.
lake. 1429 Lum. P.OgefS Park 1-2527 ORcbard 4-0804. TO RENT APTS M. W.
MODERN 6 ROOM APARTMENT 3d floor. 2 complete bathroom. 3342 W. 'SllO month. Inquire Epjtein.
1st floor NEW bldg 5H rms. $135 hu 4 rm. garden apt. SI 10 month. 1021 vv.
Uiv.ri3x.i NEW MODERN DE LUXE 2 bedroom apt. with gar. 7500 W. SPring 4074 LOGAN SQ. 7 3 bedrm.
apt. 1st fl. Also 4 rms. plu encL pen. 2d fir.
Dickens i342 KENNETH-AV. 2t3 rooms, heated. 2d apt. $70. jBLcmngnam x-b sy 6 LGE.
rms. Sun parlor, tiled bath. 1st fl. Avail. Aug.
3. S125. 353 0 W. Pal rc er BElmont 5-1 98 7 5 RM. heated apt.
2 bdrms. 2d fl. Prefer adults. Will consider 1 cnild. 4213 W.
Cortez. 4 RMS. I st" til Heated. Stove, refrg. i call VIC.
num-'Ji a 3-4491. p. m.for appt. 4155 N. MCV1CKERS 4 beateo.
iiitt; neaieo. 8 8 4 NEW mod. 4 rms 2 adults. $140.61 35 -V- Fullertoo 5118 N. KEDZIE 3H rm.
St). MUnroe b-1 i i vinso-ij-i 2429 N. ALBANY Bsmt. apt. 2 rms.
$13. Pvt. ba. LtgL Adults. NICE 2H rm.
apt. Ecnl. porch; eta. 55.CjilHj;ldt3e49 5 K.V1S. POT.
AQUiJ VIU 4051 N. LA PORTE 5 lge. rms. 125Au4.JLW'HitehaIl4-X' 4 RMS 2d fir. Irvin ero.
A quits. rrins joota 5H RM unhtd. 38S6 Nordica Adts.jreeraJL25.SPriiigt72I LOVELY 4 rm. apts Newiv decor. ApplJ146 MonirieioraPEt.
S5TRMS. Stove, Avail. Aug. 1st. $85.
sublease Diversey 3,49 2043 N. HUM BOLD T-FILVD. rms garaje. $130. A Lbany z-.
va9 6 ROOMS Heated. $150 5 ROOM FLAT-ADULTS ONLY COrnelia7-4396 5 RM. aj-t 1st fl. Newly deco. GaJ ht.
S85. 2025 N.Kimbalav. 719 N. RACIAE rms. $30 nc.
ti isiuc 5 RM. FLAT Heated 1st floor ROdne.3-1638 6 RMS. plus etici. jKh. 2d fl.
$135. A ioan yf-i 5ROOMS 2D FLR. BErkshire 7-48 17 af'er 5 4 LIGHT, airy rms 1st tile baii. J1 Q0 3310 Ainslie. Spectur, (Continuwj r.
fdiswiBg gage) New-STORE FIXTURES-Used At Prices You Can Afford to Pay Largest Display in Chicago Complete atore or odd pieces for children, ladies specialty shop, sports wear, men wear, gilts, cameras, drugs, shoes. Jewelry, dept. stores. Come in, look around, be convinced R. W.
McGRATH 1 665 W. Ogden-av. SEeley 3-4060 STRETCH YOUR Refrigs. of all types, walk-in coolers, pizza ovens, showcases, ranges, etc. One item of complete outfit for super markets, icsiauiam, lavcma, UUI11 LS.
pizzeria. NEW ok USED. METER PAY PLAN MARX STORE FIXTURES 6242 Wentworth WEntoorth 6-6040 cooler 6'x8 12" meat case. National casn register. 2 scales, 1 slicer.
1 tenderizer, meat grinder, block, and shelving. All of this is in very good condition and in use up to now. Am closing my business. Must be sold by July 29. GLENN'S GROCERIES 3893 Penn-st.
Turner 4-7871 Gary, Ind. WALL CASEfSHOW CASES Just received a carload of cases from a New York manufacturer. $225 wall eases, new. 6' $150 $130 showcases 6' new Large quantity used cases, liurryl mWN SHOW CASE CO. Op.
daily except Sat. Op. Sun. 10-3 6 4 5 N. Rid ge RQgers Park 1-0800 REST, counter, stools.
Ireezer, stm. tabic, grill, malt mixer. U. S. meat slicer.
1601 W. Taylor CAna! 6-3150 PRICED LOW New and used fix tures for all business inc. hamburger, pizza, taverns, liauor, delicates. Chas. Bender 608 N.
Wells-st. 6 PCE. island display Limed oak; use single or unit. Cost 51.200. Now $250.
GUnderson 4-06 63 WILL sacrifice S. S. restaurant fix tures. Used 6 mo. 1915 Melrose Park.
Fillmore 5-5078. COMPLETE stainless steel open kit. Cheap. 560B S. Halsted.
RARRER Reautv shoe stand New.used PAIDAR. 1120 N. Wells -MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT- FOR SALE FOR SALE Crane, crawler type. 50' lattice boom. 4 cylinder gasoline engine in cludes generator.
10 k. 1,750 r. p. DC-230, 1 cu. yd.
ILL. REliance 5-4200. COMPLETE low pressure 15 lb.l steam boiler plant 4 Farrar and Tufts H. R. T.
boilers. 250 h. p. each: 4 Iron Fireman pneumatic spreader stokers. All accessories and equipment avail.
VAn Buren 6-1011 WATER WARM 6 wheel truck, 4.000 gal. cap. with 10 ft. spray bar. Ideal for road builders.
ESsex 5-3905. OXYGEN, acetylene, aragon welding and heliarc equipment Torches, gauges, hose, goggles eldi dejt rs. 2 424 ilwaukee AIR COMP. Stm. clnr.
Elec Hammer. Generator test bench. Jack. Daily to 5: 9. 4.
3751 Qgden CRawford J7-2361 Large stock of machinery Punch Presses Lathes Mills Brakes Shears 1120 Jackson TAylor 9-1121 DELTA SKILS AW ATLAS SAWS. SANDERS. DRILLS AAA Saw Tool Supply Co. WRHSE. selling of over 500 shop and sheet metal machines.
Come in andjook around. 20 S. Racine. 5TY. varidrive.
misc. motors, pumps, controls: $2 00O GRovehill 6-S200. -WANTED Machinery and Equipment-MACH1NERY wanted Lathe of 30 to 40 inch swing must be good. Apex Tool and Machine. 2060 Yan- des, Indianapolis, lnd 22 IN.
High shoo stools with backs. Call Mr. Drews LAfayette 3-8868 CASH for mach. shop, woodworking. sheet metal eqpt.
HAymarket 1-2335 -DOGS, PETS AND EQUiPMENT- BEAGLE puppies AKC. also older Beagles and Bassets. LIbertyville 2-3066. BOXER Male, fawn, pedigree, 4 mos. Reas.
HAymarket b. BOXER pups 4. female: 8 wks. old. AK.C Best otter, furter e-oiaa CHIHUAHUAS AKC regis.
Reas. 3333 W. 84th-st. PRospect 6-8 815 COCKER Spaniel pups Beau. 2 mos.
aki reg. Keas. Avenue a-siBO COCKER Spaniels 8 wks. Ped. Fm.
slo, A.Mbassador Z-bZ8o. Mornings COLLIES $15: Toy Collies. $10. Germ, hheps, 518. CHesapeake 3-1 113 GERMAN shepherd 7 male.
A. K. C. Reas. LAkeview 5-5519 GERM.
Sheph. puppies Home grown Champ, sired. CLearbrook 5-0bo9. LABRADOR Igoldenl PUPPIES AKC- Lombard 3233-R POODLES Toys. min.
Champ bid. lines. Whites-colors, HAzel 6-2461 POODLES From $50. Also clipping. Wkdy.
Hilltop 5-7946 PIKJDLES trom long lines cn. Some winners. TErrace 2-6226 POODLES Standard. Champ, stock. AKC.
Reas. Hlllcrest 6-3948 POPULAR PUPS SOLD AT COST LYNN'S Kennels. Kiver-rd-Higgini TAlcott 3-1857 Open 10-10 SPRINGER spaniel pups AKC. 15215 s. Ashland, JHarvey.
EDison 1-1817 "5 PUPS Dogs, kittens; all colors; monkeys; parrots. 3408 Milwaukee. OFFICE FURNITURE ft DEVICES USED 60 inch steel desks. 527.50. 4 drawer steel files, slo up.
Elec. fans. Kardex compl. selection new-used exec, and cier. typewriters, adding machines.
L. OFFICE FURNITURE 61 W. Hubbard WHitehall 4-3637 TYPEWRITERS Late $65; late Elec, $125: Royal $1301 Elec. ad. $85; desk, safe.
penor 7-8705 FIREPROOF 4 drawer legal file- Used. Desk, chairs, refinished and new casters if desired. Call Gan-sauer at FRanklin 2-3457. FOR SALE 200 lineal ft. glazed steel office partitions at a bargain.
Charles Handelman. 1737 S. Michigan WEbster 9-4368 DESK CHAIR $14.50 Ave. Ofc. Furn.
HUmboldt 6-0601 adders SI 9 up. Star. 1S9 w. Maqison a.n aoverax ji STEEL LOCKERS-SHELVING 20 W. Hubbard DElaware 7-4734 -LICENSED SMALL LOAN MONEY TODAY! See Local Loan Co.
where employed men and women, married or single, obtain money on signature only. $25 to $800 or Any Reason! You get quick, liberal confidential service. Up to 24 months to pay. See white pages of phone book for office near your home or work. Phone or stop in.
LOCAL LOAN CO. 1 W. Madison at State-st. RAndolph 6-8400 22 Offices ANdover 3-2020 FOR MONEY. Call Maena i noo Aaams.
General Finance Loan Company a HtirSKHOl.n FINANCE CORP. 106 w. Madison Awaover j-oo. LOAHS BUS. MISCEL LOANS TO $2,500 Auto Personal Furniture CONSOLIDATION LOANS Borrow: Repay 12 MO.
IS MO. 24 MO. orm 82 on 57.14 $44.79 1.300 $118.45 82.54 $64.70 1.900' $173.12 $120.63. $94.56 i $17; it Life Credit Life Insurance included SPring 7-8640 Dobbs Investment Co 5419 W. BELMONT $801 AND UP TT, CAR.
PERSONAL. BUSINESS FURNITURE AND SALARY LOANS HACKING BROS COIRS MwhshTrF.artorn 2-2581 ia v-o Knn Tf S300.000 tn hnv or finance present business, factories, stores. 2d mortgages, autos. FIRST FINANCE, tu- onnA 105 W. Adams-st.
FP.anklm 2-6904 run Vnr i ind 2d mta. loans. ast service n-iun FINANCIAL- CENTRALIZE YOUR DEPTS Estab. 20 Years in Chicago Morgan Credit Adi. WAbash 2-5488 :0 E.
JACKSON ROOM 130? RTEIRS Cash for estate, trust shares Probate inance. 1U im- HORSES, HARNESS WAGONS THE first large shipment of Canno- mara ponies, petter mown a in Ireland, has lust arrived. Wonderful hunters! Also, we have a new shipment of Shetland ponies: will arrive next week. I Wa Farm Lake Forest 25? ARABIAN STALLION AT STUD Grand Champion Jaspre AHC 3190; 15:2, whit wmtenau t-tioyu SHETLAND pony New bridle, sad dle. $250.
KLliott ts-lOJi. AIRPLANES AVIATION 1956 SUPER Custom Tri Pacer Fully equipped. Uyropanei. Buper noma and Omni and other accessories. 130 hrs.
Always hangared. Seller will BnarinrM This nirolane is per fect. Will be shown Du Page County Airport Saturday and Sunday. Con tact J. it.
jonnson or n. i-eiunrcw. Willfinance SHARPEST Luscombo with low en gine time in the valley, primary in strument panel, a way radio, full elect, cruising speed 120 h. SHerwood 1-0255. Elgin NURSERY SCHLS-CHILD CARE WANTED Rm.
and boari tn good home tor 6 yr. old boy. N. ilde pre- 1ttA. ARjtmnrii 1-S7fl8 cam i-3nv tn my CONCESSIONS AND LOCATIONS-STRIKE A BLOW FOR LIBERTY NO HIT AND RUN SHOPPERS End your parking problems.
Stop the fender clanking game. Give your customers a break. Give them plenty of easy angle parking in Shoparama, the newest shopping center of the S. W. side, at 14800 and Western- a center of the boomina Cal-Sag Area.
Here your customers will have peace of mind. No parking meters to pay. No fear of traffic tickets. The ladies can almost drive ud to the cash register. Angle parking in front and back of each shop.
They won't have to walk a block to their car. Easy parking makes your customers relax. They will have time to inspect your merchandise and to listen to your story. Cranky customers are slow spenders. INVESTIGATE LOW RENTALS, SHORT LEASES SHOPARAMA, INC.
14800 S. WESTERN-AV. APPAREL SHOP Imagine owning your own dress shop with a surprisingly small investment! And with the able assistance of one of the country's largest manufacturers, who now has over 600 member retail stores throughout the U. S. We furnish all merchandise on consignment we take all markdowns we pay all freight charges we furnish supplies, displays, etc.
All ask is that you have selling ability, ambition and a desire to be successful. Ideal proposition for women. Excellent shops now available in many parts of Chicago and suburbs. Write Mr. Grossman.
6210 No. or call WAbash 2-0491. PHYSICIAN needed at Veblen, S.D. Hospital and all equipment. Beautiful home and office building.
City will gladly give financial help if necessary. Contact Kenneth Farmen, Veblen. S. SERVICE station Modern 2 bay Gulf, for lease. At Rand and Grace-land, Des Plaines.
Moderate investment. Financial assistance available. CEntral 6-5945 p. m. BODY SHOP For rent.
5 car, fully equipped 2234 N. Cicero NAtional 2-3033 MANUFACTURING MACHINING FACILITIES Med. hvy. shop specializing in complete machine units and parts, open to solid proposition for bldg. machinery, etc.
Medal Mfg. Box 292. Sharon, Pa. SALESMEN'S SIDELINES MANUFACTURERS Agent Electri- cal and electronic control equip ment. Excellent record in New York is moving about Jan.
1st to develop industrial OEM accounts in the Chicago area Wishes to represent one or two additional lines having application to the above. R. R. Overs, 186 Tonawanda. N.
Y. WANTED Business Opportunities WANTED new patentable ideas for doll carriages, children's tables, chairs and rockers by a reputable manufacturer. Send illustration with full details to Write MAT 12 Tribune ALL CASH For Your Business WE BUY SELL FINANCE Better Business Brokers 5945 W. CHICAGO AUstin 7-3277 ROBERT LEND CO. specializing in The sale of all types of business.
30 N. La Salle-st. STate 2-6166 I PAY spot cash for any kind of merchandise, fixtures, machinery, or in-ventories. Mr. Pollack.
CAnal 6-0181 CARPET and Furniture Cleaning Bus. On location. Well estab. City or sub. write wut; 6-1, Tribune SELL or BUY any bus.
Call City Natl. Bus. Bkrs. LOngbeach 1-282 5 CASH for any stock, etc. No ad.
fee. Mr Lew. MOnroe 6-4544 BOATS, MARINE SUPPLIES HOUSEBOAT-CRUISER For Sale. Binest family boat afloat. Factory demonstrator in excellent condition.
26 ft. long. 8 ft. wide. Big cockpit forward, large sundeck, expansive cabin with bunks, galley.
extras. Outboard remotes a(ra steering controls. Mid-summer bargain price. $3,395. See it at Joliet Yacht Club, a short drive south of Plainfield off route 66 on Blod- gett-rd.
Nr. Wilmington. 111. p. m.
10-3 p. m. LAKELAND BOATING Midwest boat mag. on sale at marine dealers Masters' 2 stores. Maypole, Lu-dolph's, Chicago Marine, Morton's Harbor Supply.
Miller Marine, Marine Sales. South End Boat, Gor-nick's, Tom Edwards Co. and Pete Seyl's and Kramer's, Fox Lake. Post Office News, Chicago. Send $1 for trial 5 mos.
sub. LAKELAND BOATING. Sheboygan 1. Wis. 1941 RICHARDSON Twin screw 691s Grays.
Compl. redone in-out-side. New white leatherette new crptg. thruout, new instruments. Radio phone, icebox, sleeps 6, pvt.
head-shower, full galley. 110 v. generating system, mi. Ray light, $8,000 or best offer. Must be sold.
Call SPring 7-7217 for appointment. '56 LYMAN INBOARD 18' 100 h. p. Gray marine engine. Just refinished.
Complete with all accessories incl. ventilating windshield, top and Foreman trailer. $3,250 cash. Moored Wilmette Harbor. See harbor master or phone ALpine 1-6316.
TROJANS 20 DISCOUNT NO CITY OR STATE TAX GALLAGHER BOAT SALE3 K036 Hohman-av. Hammond. Ind. TOrrence 2-5111 Open daily 9 to 8 1953 CHRIS-CRAFT 24 ft. -Ex press cruiser.
Bought new in o4. 105 H. P. Chrisomatic shift. $3,800.
Mooring at Jackson Park Outer Harbor. No. 7 Vic. WAlbrook 5-5644 12' ALUMA CRAFT oars anchr. $129; 16' Century Traveler steering w.
22 h. p. Johnson comp. only $395 18' Cabin Cruiser inboard. $1,295 W.
L. MASTERS SON 210 W. Chicago Michigan 2-6100 21' ELGLN cabin cruiser 60 h. p. Kermath aeaieep engine, auto, bilge pump.
iHead, deck chairs, cabin sleeps 2, painted blue and yellow. ,6 50. LIbertyville 2-0032. RENTALS on boats, motors, trailers Also see us for your Mercury motor. All sizes in stock.
LOHNER BOATS. 3526 N. Elsofl lozvjli 31 FT. Chris-Craft sedan a pair of 95s. Slip 13.
Kenosha Harbor Basin. $7,900. Ph. OLympic 7-5486 after 7 p. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NOW Switzer Crafts.
Glasspars. MFGs. Johnson motors. Many others. Chicago Marine 5772 N.
Lincoln 1957 JOHNSON MOTORS $5 DOWN Illinois Harley-Davison Sales 7577 W. LAKE-ST. River Forest 12' CHRIS-CRAFT Fully eqpd. trailer. 30 h.
p. Mercury. Used 1 season. $750. Naperville zabK.
1951 31 ft. Owens cruiser, equip. $7,500. Many extras. Fully Exc.
cond. GLadstone 6-7660 1956 14-FT. runabout Mastercraft trailer and Mark 55 Mercury motor. Fully eqpd. PEnsacola 6-9856.
imprira'i 1 Ftfiar Dealer CHRIS-CRAFT BOAT SALES, Ine 2500 S. Ashland MOnroe 6-6670 USED VERY LITTLE. 1956 Mercury racing motor Perf. cond. Must sell.
5 3 uu. a-r u. CRUISER "Ibis" 32'. fully eqpd. incl.
dinghy and motor. First $2,900 takes. MUlberry 5-802Q 7Vi H. P. Mercury outboard motor-Less than 20 hrs.
on engine. A-l 6-9496 aft. 6 14 FOOT Runabout mahogany decks. 63" wide. 30" deep.
Ready for paint. $249. 1738 E. 75th. 11 FT.
Class utility. Merc. Mark 20. Used 1 season. $350.
Call 1 Uxedo a-zd 7V2 H. P. Scott Atwater Like new. $115. Midway 3-5932.
7111 Stony Is. 57 JOHNSON. 18 h. p. Used 4 hrs.
$325. Linden 4-8653. TRANSPORTATION TRAVEL CAR DELIVERIES DRIVE OURS OR SEND YOURS CALIFORNIA SALT LAKE SEATTLE PHOENIX Other Points Some Returns Gas Allowance Fee Refunded AAA DRIVEWAY 343 S. DEARBORN ROOM 204 WEbster 9-2364 TRAVELING? Nafion-Wide Car Deliveries Gas Allow. Fee Refunded Wilson Driveaway 3113 N.
BROADWAY GRaceland 7-5055 GOING WEST? DRIVE A CAR DENVER ALL POINTS WEST Des Moines, Minneapolis Small deposit refunded Dealers Driveaway LUdlow 2-3050 MINISTER leaving Jor Portland. Maine, Mon. arrive tues. morn. Room for 4.
Call FUlton 8-7361 eves, or Sun afternoon. SEATTLE-SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES refunded EMKAY, IXC. MUseum 4-S969 DRIVING to Tucson. July 23. tane pass, to neip orive.
rJwcast exy uts AT I. P.AS TO SEATTLE While they last. DEarborn 2-2988 Sun. only. PR.ospect 6-7757 CARS To Sioux New Mexico.
Seattle, uas allow, village CARS, to Seattle, Calif. Fee refund. Catny uriveaway icaroorn z-joa BUILD. MATERIALS SERVICES 1 Wrecking Keeley Brewery 516 E. 28th-st.
CAIumet 5-2030 FOR SALE ON PREMISES 1-2-3-4" lumber all sires timber Steel beams: pipe; columns UNITED WRECKING CO. SAginaw 1-817 1 WASTED 2-300 yds. Brick Baits GArden 4-5470 HEATING. PLUMBING EQUIPM'T FACTORY IRREGULARS Q1VP TLner. rR MOR 45V recessed bathtubs $29.95 Close-eoupled toilet 1 Rinks and cabs.
trim $39.95 All size lavatories 5 2 2 5 SSt ate KEnwood 8-5700 DOUBLE bowl cabinet sink. never used. Priced $164. Selling or. $110 Fnr infr.
DTckens 2-6777-78 or 79 REMODELING AND REPAIRING PAINT Interior, exterior, Sprayed and sanitized. Work guar. NOrmal 7-3726 INSTRUCTION LEARX PIANO TUNING Evening Courses. Veterans approved. 1 AntTB SHflP TRAINING 2230 S.
Michigan Victory 2-2300 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOX LAKE Improv. prop. 74x150. Hill top lot in exc cor. Cash.
CRawford 7-232i 1p.rn.-9p. m. SOUTHWEST SIDE GENTLEMEN pvt. la. Maid serv.
$8. LAwndale 1-1114 NORTH SIDE LAWSON Y.M. C. Beautifully appointed rooms; five minutes from CENTRAL LOOP AREA, convenient to subway and street cars; all rooms with running water and radio; athletic and social activities included; swimming pool, complete food and valet service. Im mediately available at low rates.
Call or contact resident manager LAWSON M. C. A. 30 W. Chicago WHitehall 4-6211 1358 GREENLEAF ttpwit Ai-iMC! CIO WE LOCK TO LAKE BUS- HARBOR HOUSE GIRLS' CLUB TjiYiiriniis livina on a budget 3118 N.
Sheridan Diversey 8-8424 "WlSWTM HOTEL with bath. $10 weekly. ly decor. Compl. hotel terv.
Good trans. 5240 N. Wmthrop. RITDTDV HflTFI, Modern fireproof elev. bldg.
Newly decor. $10.50 week. Near Loop. 1429 N. Clark DElaware 7-5100 $7 PER WEEK "Men- rlean mnms.
shower: nr. Loop. OLYMPIA HOTEL. 613 N. Wells LAKESHIRE HOTEL Rooms with bath.
$10.50 weekly. Newly dec. Compl. hotel serv. Good trans.
4128 Clarendon NORTHMERE HOTEL" 4943 N. KEN MORE Newly beau. furn. hotel rms Pvt. bath.
large room Newly dec; nicely turnisned; close to lane. WHitehall 4-2383 2934 N. CLARK-ST. 1-2 rm. kitnt.
$9.50 up Slpg. rm. $7.50 up. linens, decor. PIKFWOOI) HOTEL Rms.
at $12 wk. up. Full hotel svc. 2744 Pine Grove Lincoln 9-3723 LGE. hskpg.
rm. Sun porch: nice tor bachelor. $13 wk. iiuuycoun 5-1245. 1436 argo.
LIGHT housekeeping rm. For gen tleman; $13 nr. laKe. go. trans.
GRaceland 2-2438 FURN. sleeping rms. Quiet 4420 N. Hermitage, EDgewater 4-8714. Call atter 0 p.
m. 915 BELMONT $9.50 wk. Pvt. ent. CI nr.
Bel. L. Diversey 8-4178 BSMT. Hskpg. rm.
Man. maid serv. Util. 58 week. LOngbeach 1-6800 GIRLS Club 8 bus to door; S8.
Bittersweet 8-4390. 560 Koscoe util furn. Nr. $47.50 mo. Lincoln 9-9070 Diversey 8-0956 MOD.
quiet rm. for neat empl. jnan, Exc. trans. MOhawk 4-4170 4040 BROADWAY Slpg.
rms. $7. Kitnts. w. or wo refg.
$8 and $10. 1 LGE. rm. Sh. bath with 1.
Exc. trans. Kitch. priv. SHeldrake 3-9468 A HOME away from home Men.
Nr. Lp. and lake. WHitehall 4-9000 BSMT. rm Stv.
Erin. Shr. $12 wk. 52 2Wri ghtwood Bittersweet 8-64 2g. CLEAN 1 rm.
apt. refr linens. $13 50. UPtown 8-7724. 5125 WINTHROP 1.
2 rm. kitnt. Gd. trans. $9 up.
EDgewater 4-9350 LARGE front room Stove, $42.50 mo. DElaware 7-3533 CLN. hskpg. rms. Men invited, only $6 wk.
704 W. North-av. NORTHWEST SIDE 1 ROOM For middle aged gentleman; no drinking, smoking. Emmett at Kedzie. $8.
BElmont 5-8860. PLEASANT home for elderly people. HAzel b-2344 LOGAN Sa. Rm. for man with cook.
$9: sip, rm. $7. 24 29 N. Albany COZY hskpg. rm Refrig.
Empl. gen tleman, 12 wk. Z48S rvi. Claric. CORDAM HALL Residence for men.
Fine 10 24 N. Damen. SLEEPING room Gentleman. 1056 N. Damen-av.
FEEL at hm. SIpng. kit. priv. Single or cple.
CApitol 7-5557 CLEAN seo. rm. Pvt. ent. Man 3809 Fullerton ALbany 2-8216 SLPG.
rm. Pvt. entrance. Gentlemen. 3110 N.
Sawyer IKving 8-9212 SLPG. rm. for man Gd. clean. 2733 N.
Mozart Inquire 1st fir, rear LGE. clean rm. Hot water. Man with good refs. ONLY.
Dickens 2-4838 WEST SIDE GENTLEMEN pvt. maid trans, naborhood: soecial permanent rates. 3938 W. Ormak LAwndale 1-1 1 14 4100 CERMAK Light, airy hskpg. rms.
for 1 empl. days. Refg. Pvt. ent.
sio-s 12. LAwndale 1-16 1. Lov. home: exc. meals.
Gd. reas. SAcramento 2-9237 SUBURBAN SLEEPING RM Cln. Quiet gent Gart. L.
Koosevelt Euclid e-oOi2 NURSING AND REST HOMES- VACANCY in small 12 patient rest home at Woodstoct, so mi. jn. vv. Cheo" 24 hr. nursing care.
R. N. simervised. Good food. Beau, ffrnds.
w. lake. Woodstock 541R or 541J RESIDENTIAL retirement hotel for elderly people; attractive nome like gd. food. $90 mo.
up. Zion Hotel Zion. I1L TO RT RMS. TO SHARE 534 WELLINGTON 3000 N. Nr.
lake. Bus. man shr. frt., with 1 or 2 same.
18-30. Refs. $37.50. GOLD COAST Young man to share with same beau, twin bedrm. Liv.
rm.Jibranbar WHitehall 4-9758 BUSINESS girl to share large apt. with business girls Pvt. ldry. N. lttersweet8-7 0 9 a 1234 LAKE SHORE Girl to share apt, with same.
$10 week. YOUNG man to share 2 bedrm. apt. with same or cpl. LAkeview 8-0672 YOUNG man To share with same 2 bedrmapt.
Buckingham 1-2374. HOTELS APARTMENT HOTELS KITCHENETTE APTS. All the comforts of home available to permanent and transient guests: rooms and kitchens are spacious. clean, desirable. Conservative rental.
BRYN MAWR HOTEL 5550 Kenmore, at Bryn Mawr 1 V2-2 V2-3V2 ROOMS KITCH. AND BEDRM. APTS. AS LOW AS $24.50 WEEK 15 MINUTES TO LOOP LOGAN VISTA HOTEL 2600 N. Kedzie CApitol 7-4170 NEW MICHIGAN HOTEL 2135 S.
MICHIGAN-BLVD. Beautiful furnished. Newly decorated. Spacious rms. Fine restaurant.
A home on 5 min. to Loop. Complete hotel service. $10.50 WEEKLY UP S2 LA I LI Of WASHINGTON PINE EAST AND WEST 5501 Washington MAnsfield 6-1442 Modern newly finished 1. 3 kitnt.
art. Reas. weekly, daily rates. Compl. hotel serv.
20 min. from Lp.1 HOTEL GUYON 4000 Washington VAn Buren 6-8900 1-2-3 room modern kitchenette apts. Also transient hotel rooms available. Reasonably priced. Complete hotel service.
15 minutes from Loop. METROPOLE HOTEL 2300 S. Michigan Victory 2-3400 Newly decorated, smartly furnished. Excellent trans. Bus at door $14.50 PER WEEK AND TTP H'SEKEEPING RMS- $18.50 UP PARKWAY HOTEL Furn.
apts. from $42.50 per wk. Studio rms. from $17.50 per wk. 2100 LINCOLN PARK WEST Diversey 8-5000 SHELDRAKE HOTEL Beautifully furn.
modern kitchenette and bedroom apts. $21 week and up. 4520 Clarendon UNUSUAL STUDIO APT. L. D.
In. "dress rm. bath. Swbd FuU maid serv. Nr.N.
WALK TO LOOP. FIREPROOF COFFEE SHOP. ROOM SERVICE. 1 2 34 S. W7ab ash HArrison 7-701 3 4544 N.
HAZEL LOngbeach 1-7241 Elev. bldg Near lake and park. 3Mi bdrm. apt. Also 2 room kitnt.
Beau. furn. Newly dec. Reas. rent.
Exc. trans. Swbd. and maid service. EAST END PARK HOTEL 1947 HYDE PARK-BLVD.
Opposite park. One block from lake ana 1. tj. smart modern apia. GLENN HOTEL Comfortable baths, shower.
Gd. tmn. Koecial rates to nermanents. 24 hr. swtchbd.
4940 N. Winthrop FINE CREST HOTEL Bedroom apt. and 1 rm. kitchenette apt. Nicely furnished, decorated.
3941 Pine Grove Bittersweet 8-6400 A. A. A. APPROVED The MONTEREY hotel wants guests who seek finer apts. and hotel rms.
808 Junior-ter. Ittersweet 8-2300 HOTEL NORTH PARK 1931 Lincoln Park West Apts. for permanent residence Roy Lund. Mgr. MOhawk 4-3200 14 W.
ELM HOTEL DAILY. WEEKLY. MONTHLY TRANSIENT AND PERMAN ENT PARK CENTRAL HOTEL 443 WRIGHTWOOD-AV. -Rates from $90 Lincoln 9-4600 MODERN rooms Newly decorated. Maid and desk service.
$13.25 per week. Sheffield Manor Hotel. 3208 N. Sheffield. Bittersweet 8-8000.
ONTARIO HOTEL Rms. $7 wk. A up. 5 mins. to Loop.
620 N. State superior y-bbeu DEVON HOTEL Rms. and bath $12 week and op. uaiiy d.ou 1314 Devon-av. SHeldrake 3-6000 rjRt.TVr.
HOTEL perm, $13.75 per wk. up. 10 min. Lp. 1512 N.
La Salle. BEAU. furn. apts. With the luxury of a fine home.
Chirago Beach hotel. 5100 Cornell DOrchester 3-2400 OLYMPIC HOTEL i015 NTClark. Rooms and kitchenettes: all with baths: $14 wk. up. 5 min.
to Loop. LINCOLN APT. HOTEL 1-2 rm. apts. $18 up.
Slpg. $11.50 up 1648 jLuii-avROgersPark4090O 1 ROOM KITCHENETTE APTS. Windsor-Wilson Hotel 915 Wilson BELMONT Plaza rooms and apts. Full hotel service. K.eas.
ouo w. tieimont IBKI.LEREVE apt, hoteL 7255 Yates IV apts. KasonaPie. $5 WKLY. AND UP FURN.
RMS 11U a. A DAjn ictory i-d 1 1 a WlvriAI.F TrOTET, Rm. with bath $14 wkw S3 daily. 6019 N. V(inthro Frid.y, July 19, 1957 Part 2 Page 10 WANT AD INDEX To place an ad In tht midwtst greatest Want Ad market place- Phone Whitehall 4-0409 Ask tor Want Ad-Yiser Pse.
Col Air Conditioning 15 7 Airplanes Aviation 10 Antiques and Arts 10 Apt Bldgs. for Sale 11 Apartments to Rent 10 Apartments, Furnished 11 Apartments, Co-operative .11 Apartments. Rooms to Automobiles Automobiles, tTsed ....15 Automobiles. New ..15 Foreign Sport Antique 15 Foreign Sport Cars 15 Auto Repairing, 15 Autos and Trucks to .15 Auto Loans 15 Autos Wanted 15 Trailers Auto and 15 Wanted 15 Trucks. Trailers, 15 Wanted Trucks.
Trailers, etc.15 Barter and 10 Hosts Marine Supplies 10 liuilding Materials Services ...10 liusiness Opportunities. 10 Wanted 10 Business Service 10 Business Personals 10 Business Property 11 Cameras a id Optical Goods 15 Cemeteries' Part 2. 8 Concessions and Locations 10 Co-operaave Apartments 11 Death Noliccs Part 2, 8 disclaimer of Debts ...10 I)ogs. Pets, and Equipment 10 Employment Agencies Men 13 Employment Agencies Women. 14 Farms tor Sale and to Rent.
...12 Financial 10 flowers Part 2. 8 Funeral Directors part 2, 8 Furnished Apartments 11 Furniture and Furnishings For Sale 13 For Juveniles 13 Wanted ....13 furs. Clothing. Etc 10 ieatiflg. Plumbing Help Wanted Men 13 Factory Help 13 Stores and Offices 13 Trainees and Beginners 13 'art Time 13 Executives and Managers 13 Boys 13 1'rotessions and Trades 13 Butlers.
Chauifeurs, Clubs. Hotels, 14 Salesmen 14 Agents 14 Miscellaneous 14 Help Women 15 Stores ar.d Offices 15 Trainees and Beginaers 15 Part Time ....15 Executives and Managers 15 Professions and Trades 15 Clubs, Hotels, 15 HuuseholJ Help ...15 couples Saleswomen Agents Miscellaneous Home Appliances Wanted Horses, Harness, Hotels and Apt. Hotels Houses for Sale Houses Built to Order ..15 ..15 ..15 ..15 ...13 ..13 ..10 ..10 ..11 ..11 10 limiting and 15 Industrial Properties 11 Wanted 11 Instruction 10 Jewelry. Diamonds, Old Gold. ..10 Legal N'otices 14, Loans Licensed Small Loan business ana Misc.
Loans 10 P.eal Estate .12 .15 .10 .10 .10 .15 .15 Auto Lost and Found Machinery and Manufacturing Miscellaneous For Scooters. Bikes Moving and Storage 13 Musical Instruments 14 Nursing. Rest Homes to Rent. .10 Nursery Child Care 10 Office Furniture and Devices. ...10 j.Jirice apace to Kent Patents, Patent Peiomil Radio.
Television, Real Estate .1 1 ..14 ..10 ..15 See Apartment Business Property. Farm Lanus. Houses, Industrial Properties, Resort Properties, etc. 1 Real Estate Suburban 12 Real Estate for Exchange. .....12 Peal Estate Vacant 11 Real Estate Wanted ....12 Real Estate Lake and Resort.
12 Real Estate Oul of Town 12 Remodeling and Repairing 10 Resort Cuttanes to Rent 10 Rooms. Board. Housekeeping. .1 0 Salesmen's Side Lines 10 Schools JSee Trade Schools. Instruction, Dancing Schools.
Dressmaking Schools. Situations Wanted Men .......13 Situations Wanted Women ...14 Sporting Goods 15 Store Fixtures 10 Stores, Offices. Shops to Rent. 11 Television, Radios, Hi-Fi 15 To Rent fSee Apartments to Rent. Houses to Rent and Rooms to Rent.
Industrial Properties. Resort Areas. Out-of-Town. etc! Trailers House and Auto 15 Wanted 15 Transportation and Travel 10 Trade Schools Men 13 Trade Schools Women 14 Trucks, Trailers. Tractors 15 Tvpewriteis See Office furniture 10 Wanted to 11 LOST AND FOUND BOXER found 1900 blk.
Diversey pkwy. Call Miss Springer, 8:30 to 5, Buckingham 1-6650 BOXER lost Female: vie. 55th-Uni- versity: rew.FAirfax 4-5722. BRACELET lost Solid gold chain type. Reward.
Michigan 2-6698. CAT lost Siamese, male. nr. Lake Torest. Ph.
Lake Forest 4 469. Rew. CAT lost White male. Vic. Nonh- Kedzie.
ALbany 2-0930. tOG lost Boxer, male. N. W. ide.
Child's pet. Reward no questions. Please comatSpring 4j2 735. fi AN DRAG lost White beaded. Vic.
79th and Calumet. Important contents. RewardWhjung 4168. fcECKLACE lost Ad-a-pearl, gold chain. Nr.
July 15. Great sentimental value, liberal reward. Mr. Orner. MOhawk 4-6800 PARAKEET lost Yel.
green. Leg band. 4ZK17. Rew. ALbany 2-3930 PARAKEET lost Yellow.
Vic. 70th-Western. Rew. WAlbrook 5-6024. POODLES Brown, pedigreed.
4 mos. 1 5-9215 PURSE lost With 2 pr. eyeglasses. Rew.M Ulberry 5-7 8 12 RING lost Lady's vie. 2450 N.
Mannheim, Mon. eve. Lib. reward. GLadstone 5-4280 after 6 TRAIN CASE lust White: vicinity Wavcland-Marshfield.
Sentim. value. Reward. BIttersweetg-2195 ft.5 WATCH lost Lady's 18K yellow gold Rolex with flexible band. Vicinity of Merchandise Mart.
Reward. FAirfax 4-1000. Mrs. Nomikos WATCH Lady's Swiss: yellow gold, black band; lost probably Loop or nr. N.
Rew. Superior 7-51 6 1 WATCH lost Gold Omega, dbl. snake band keepsake. Rew.STate24459 WRIST WATCH lost Patlnum. with diamonds, emeralds; engraved with name; July 1.
Loop or N. W. train. Reward. NEwcaste 1-5438.
PERSONAL ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of Minnie Martin also knuwn as Minnie Hansen or heirs, formerly a cashier at the Woodlawn theater, call Mr.HeiUkovDEarbornS?! ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of David H. Grant, Mayme Grant and Marguerite Brown or heirs, all residents of Chicago, call Mr. Heil-skov, DEarborn 2-4 587. BUSINESS PERSONALS FLOODED BASEMENT? ATTENTION1 HOME OWNERS, Have your burner, electrical work and furnace checked and serviced. For $7.50 Ace Cblcnao Meatintr Specialists.
Inc. 1821 W. Cermak-rd. FRonties 6-1120 rs I 2 4 hour serv ice I WTTH CREW Leveling cement found. Piers-post.
JJenl.remodeling.PRospect 8-15JJ CONCRETE work Reasonable Free estimate TUxedo 9-7826 DISCLAIMER OF DEBTS SOLD Mike and Frans Welcome Inn. July Resp. for our debts only. Mike.Fran Euclid-av. TlAVE taken over Ihe Wand Style Shoo at 325.1 W.
North-av. Reso. for our own debts only. Cclia Danek and Uernicc aelinski. I AM only responsible for debts contracted by myself James L.
Minale- dalph. 1121 S. Chicago 12, Illinois. HAVE dissolved partnership with A Food Shop. Not resp.
for any debts other than my own. Rose -ndack. 753 W. 74th-st. SOLD Harvev Luncheonette Not resp.
for any debts other than my own. Mrs. H. Friedman.J 104 E. 53d HAVE sold Laundromat at 1608 Pratt as of 7-15.
Restv my debts only. Gerald Ncill. 4u03 W. Adams NOT responsible for any debts other than my own as of July 10. Thomas Craham.
2123 St. Louis. tIurn: TV Cleaner. 1848 N. Cali- fnrnia.
July 14. 1957. Reso. mv debts only. Win, Hedkp.1848 NCalifornia RESP.
for my debts only Bruno INovak. DrSb s. iatun REP6.STBLEior my debts caly H. aitz. 409 w.
rt-iageway P.ESPflNSlBLE for my debts only. Richard. M. Cuoal. Horner Responsible for my debts only.
William Granatelli. 274 5 N. Neva-ay RESP. for rny own debts only Claude Austin 6240 S. Parkwy.
JEWELRY-DIAMONDS-CLD GOLD TOP PRICES PAID FOR JEWELRY OLD GOLD DIAMONDS WATTIES PAWNTICKETS 40 fur enats. scarfs, capes. Jackets. and stoles, pawned by furriers, brand new 1957 styles tor to 4.auu U. S.
LUAH MKa, SIXTH FLOOR lO JJCLARK TOP DOLLAR For Diamonds. Jewelry; nothing too small nor too large Rm. 1221. 29 E. Madison.
Macey ANTIQUES AND ARTS ANTIQUE show Saugatuck. Mich. Big pavilion, Ju'y 21-23. sun. thru fiK uiViitrtr4- Own 12 ta 12 n.
m. daily. Style show. "Fash- fona of the Mon. 8 Tueoday 3 p.
m. Also art exhibit. -USED FUHS. CLOTHING, ETC WE rent or lease Mink, stolef. cef, FOR SALE GROCERY-DELICATESSEN Long established good going business on corner location.
Low rent and overhead. Priced right. 4300 North Western-av. HDWE. STORE EST.
35TH-ST. HARDWARE ROUND LAKE, ILL. Want to retire. Will sacrifice. Kimball HOTDOG and hamburger grill Ked-zie near Madison.
Gross over $300 wk. Clear $125 wk. Price $2,500. Agent, nmmom o-B- HOTEL 34 rms. yr.
lease, nr. Michigan 2-8984 JEWELRY store Est. 30 yrs. Good loc. for credit business.
Selling due to health. Write MAG 314. Tribune JEWELRY store for sale Established 34 years ago. In ideally thriving community. Call FAculty 3-0273 LADIES DRESS SHOP Compl.
line of dresses, lingerie, etc. Opportunity of a lifetime: high potential. Reas. Klldare 5-0264 LAPIDARY Mfg. and supply co.
In Los Angeles. Mail Order. Wholesale and retail store. Excellent stock. Will furnish photo.
Write MAT 14. xrinune LAUNDRY Large home route An nual volume excess Vx million dollars. Well located. Serving good residential area. Many continuous years of profitable operation.
Ideal investment for individual with knowledge of the business. $250,000. Land, buildings, all equipment along with routes- Would require Vi cash. write MAJ 188. irioune LAUNDERETTE DRIVE-IN Latest of fast growing chain, just opened.
Will fin. Low down paymt. PEnsacola 6-7305 Mr. K. comb.
2 stores. 4 a. m. lie. Only one in dist.
$100,000 gr. Partners sep. Sac. $10,000 plus inv. Cash deal only.
Boulevard Lounge 4633 N. Sheridan EDgewater 4-i)42i LOUNGE and pkg. gds. store comb, and modern bldg. with 6 rm.
liv. 2 car gar. 8 yrs. old. Well estab.
Over $150,000 a yr. bus. N. W. side.
MErrimac v-asai. mkt. Enllv pd. 2134 N. Damen.
Gross $1,500 wk. Rent $120 mo. Pr. $2,750. Agent, a iqmont 0-84 MOTEL and home 3 bdrms.
Finish. rec. rm. Gar. Flower and veg.
gard. lMi mi. from Indiana Dunes State Park. 366 ft. frontage on U.
S. 20. Trees and landscaped yard. Appt. only.
Mr. Verplank. 4424 Connecti-cut-st- Gary. TUrner Jb3872 MOTEL, ARIZONA. Reduced for quick sale.
Beautiful 25 unit motel plus 5 rm. home and lobby, excellent location and condition. Price $165,000 S50. 000 $1,000 mo. Write PAULEY McDON-ALD.
REALTORS, Box. 1813, Prescott, Arizona MOTEL AAA. 8 units plus 2 cottages and 2 bedroom owner's house. Beautiful wooded setting, completely modern. Built 1955 and enjoys good all-year business.
$28,000 balance terms. Mayflower Motel, R. R. 2, La Pone. Ind.
MOTEL 14 units, 4 cottages. 1 brk. home. 5 acres. 35 miles west of Chicago on U.
S. hwy30. Write MAti 042, Tribune MOTEL, Nr. Lake Geneva on Hwy. 12.
17 units. 5 rm. home. All in nic cln. cond.
Pr. to sell. Phone HUdson 3-6181 MOTEL, New 10 unit with home, AAA approved. On highways 12-15-67. southern Wisconsin.
Terms. PA 3-4159, Elkhorn, Wisconsin PIZZA and restaurant Truck stop. Cor. location. Now foreclosed, will be sold for balance due.
Julius Bender. MOnroe 6-1710. PIZZERIA and lounge For quick Hnina frnm Q7nnfl A 000 yr. Short hrs. Price $15,000, worth much more.
Cal! aft. 5 p. m. Ask for Tony. 5134 W.
Irving Pk. Mulberry s-z bo POULTRY Live. Gd. loc. Hilltop 5-55U8.
1923 Monterey iw. liitnj READY Mixed Concrete and Cement Block Plant Uoiog ousiness in rapidly growing West Coast Florida City. Tremendous potential in City that economists say will have fastest growth in Florida. Possibilities unlimited. A partner disagreement forces reluctant sale.
vv rite ma i zi, rioune RESTAURANT-Cocktail lounge Known as THE CABIN baroeque in Berwyn. Present owner here 12 years. Bargain. Restaurant-Cocktail lounge known as the TOP HAT. Popular spot in Cicero.
$90,000 volume. DENNIS PaltyJiUndersorjJ1122 RESTAURANT and bar fully equipped and air conaittonea in heart of downtown Milwaukee; bar seats 22, main dining room seats 110, private dining room seats 3d. Unusual opportunity for expd. operator; very reasonable rent and terms. naniciin z-p-jl i RESTAURANT and prop, with 140' frntage.
on U. f. nwy. near Conway, Ark. Very attract.
Exceptional possibilities. Must see to apprec. Write P. O. Box 306, Greenbrier, Ark.
TJTTSTATTT? A Mf-CONCKSSTON A real money maker! On busy So. side corner. Fully equipped, now operating. Must sell because of health. Phone NOrmal 7-9076 Modern: 6 cor.
Seats 75. TJO MfVCTRY DOWN Sell to rel. party with estab. credit Ij-ating LIncol njJ-2 944 morns. RESTAURANT Est.
20 loc. Newly decor. Owner retiring. Price $6,500. Inquire Nick's Res taurant, 2128 inoiana-av RESTAURNT-liv.
qtrs. On main hwy. Chain ot laKes. A gooa living for couple planning retirement. Write MAJ 338., Tribune RESTAURANT Truck stop.
Well est. v. Koute ob-nanem, oerwyn. Will finance. Call daily except Sun.
OLympic 2-0566 OLympic 2-2688 REJST. N. side. gd. loc Air cond.
$100. 001) yr. bus. wk. saie.
otner Jbuslz3 Ladstone 3-7287 RESTAURANT -LOUNGE Over ZOO.UUO grOSS. AO CMI IdlRUIK lui. Earl Foster Co. LOngbeach 1-7550 REST. Pizza Lounge Est.
lo years; trans, cr. farKing lot. iease or con. Jolly Club Addison and Central REST. Good estab.
bus. Money- makerTermsAtjstin(jvJ at. REST, and Pizza Own. ret. make off.
2759 Armitage, AJjOanyao ROOMINGHOUSE 3 story stone house. A-l cond. rms. baths. 4 lavs.
Nr. medical center. Exc. income. Plus owners apt.
Terms. Agent. 110 S. Dearborn. Rm.
1309. STate 2-3225. ROOMING house for sale Evanston University loc. compl. rurmsnea.
Ideal for couple or widow. Good income. Call Mrs. Andersen. Mitchel Bros.
RMG. hse. 2V2 story brick 70x 150 lot, 10 units, 6 baths. Hyde Park better class place. $12,000 UPtown 8-3737 RMG.
hse. Near north. 45 36 units. 12 baths. Inc.
$17,000. Can be increased. 7 yr. lse. Rent $400.
$6,000 down. bal. E-Z terms. CAPPS CO. SUperiorJTjftieO RM.
HSE. 42 rms. 12 baths. 5 yr. lease.
Excel, cond. Inc. $15,000 yr. $7,500 cash bal. E-Z payments.
J)ahlORchard4ji89 2 2. RMG. hse. 9 units. Ideal for woman Nr.
N. Sac. independence j-tio or WHitehalL4-8407 ROOMING hse. Lease, 40 units. Nr.
Sheridan-W'ilson. Inc. $28,668: pr. RMG. HSE.
14 inc. $10,800. RMG. HOUSE 16 rms. Nr.
N. Gd. lse aSOOA DEiaware 7-263o. SERVICE Business N. Exc.
loc. Will teach. Bittersweet orwooi SHOE1" REPAIRING With liv. or will sell fixtures. Widow must sell.
5 1) 18 N. aneriaan-ra. SHOES Women's orthopedic: in Lp. Unlimited possibilities for right per son. Write MCJD irioune.
SNACK SHOP Real opportunity. Air cond. Ideal N. W. loc.
Good going bus. Closed Sundays and eves. -Agent ROdney 3-8800 SNACK shop Reas. Selling acct. of illness, la Keview p-oo.
TASTEE-FREEZE Low dn. pay. Hot dogs, hambgr. Fillmore 5-8160 TAVERN-REST. WEST DIVERSEY.
DOING GOOD BUSINESS. PRICE $6,500 UKaceiana TAVERN Plus 2 flat brk. bldg Incl. fixtures. 1 flat 6 rms.
1. 3 rms. Full bsmt. Gas htd. 2 car gar.
Easy terms.718 W. 31st-st. 12-10. TAVERN-REST. Nr.
Woodstock. Fully 5 acres. $49,750: tms. Call P. B.
Lind. FRanklin 2-4050 orEUclid 67358. TAVERN-Restauiant Est. 50 food loc, well equipped. 6.000: or.
appt, call NEvada 8-7272 after noon. TAVERN and Restaurant Excellent business with gross income $80,000 year. COlumbus 1-9209. 8-10 am. TAVERN Liquor store combination.
Mod. air cona. siae iransier cor. Gdbuylpn? lse. VIncennes 6:3300 TAVERN Pick's Resort.
Eqpd. liv. boats and bait. East shore ofGrass JkeAntiochIll TAVERN 7349 S. Racine.
New bldg. Other interests. STewart 3-9855 TAVERN Mod. Harlem-av. Must sell leav.
tyJTUxedo 9-9739 aftern. TAV. $2,0.00 wk. Colored loc. Sac.
TermS; STate 2-3540, a gent TRUCKING business Have rights. Estab. 10 yrs. Local. North Shore.
Terms. CRestwood 2-3496. ONCE in a lifetime business oppor tunity A going ousmess. ery nine capital needed to what the assets are. $20,000 worth of contracts with secure deposits for work to be done.
Check this opportunity. Books open for inspection. Sacrifice due to health. Write MAT 217. Tribune SERVICES TO BUSINESS 500 LETTERS or pr lists Multi MOnroe 6-1267 -CONCESSIONS AND LOCATIONS- UK LbASIS Ballroom.
3.300 sq. ft, with catering equipment. Also suit, club rm. or offices. Hotel Brevoprt.
120 w. maaison HARDWARE Store Gd. loc. lor in- In Varmn-'lt Mkt. AmDle parking.
Shoparama. 14800 West HArrison FTSRIST Shop Gd. loc. for indep. Shoparama 14800 S.
Wstern-av. HArrison -oou vmrrrnr.vt aphtc STUDIO For rent: equipped; volume color work offered. FRanklin 2-5934 RESTAURANT Under construe Sell or lease to expd. party. North sub.
$125,000 in equip. DElaware7-3279 GARAGE In connection with Cbgo finest apt. bids. In best location the city. Rosenberg.
STate 2-4155. FIZZA carryout 1615 Montrose cavern, 119 w. iuh-bu GKaceland 7-izju GRILL for rent 12 stools. Koffee Nook. 6255 Cottage urove, COCKTAIL Loud ge Rest.
1 1 on concea. 1532 N. Clyboui. FOR SALE ALUMINUM and fiber glass awnings manufacturer, also aluminum storm doors and windows. This factory now in operation complete with all equipment and personnel for contin ued operation witfl wnoiesaie ana retail outlets Hnina $300,000 yearly volume.
In new building with 000 sq. ft. of floor space. Located -in a large industrial city in northern Indiana. Can purchase business and lease building if so desired.
Write MAfi 362. 't ribune APT. Hotels, Leases, sales. MORRIS R. Tie WOSKIN CO.
105 W. Madison STate 2-9891 APPAREL LADIES Gross Priced to sell at fixtures with or without inventory. Leading specialty shop in ideal NW suburb location. Established 12 yr. clientele.
Air con ditioned. Owner retiring Write MAT 481. Tribune ASPHALT PLANT Complete hot and cold mix. in Milw. County.
Less than $100,000. rue MAT 5, -iTmune AUTO sales lot Choice location. Lge. signs, neon and billboard. Paved lot.
In excess of 100' 2-3ds fenced in. 2 hrick hide. Hot and cold water. Air cond. office.
Ready to go. Best offer. 4929 Madison. EStebrook B-ozpsf AUTO Sales Usedars. Inside oper ation complete witn storage 101.
Good loc. 1647 S. Pulaski. ucKweii z-u iuu BAKERY Whsle. Italian bread spe cialty.
Est. 30 yrs. 2 trucks optional. htAymarKer i-gaai evenings BARBER shop Bellwood. Lge.
vol. 3 chair. Choice loc. ixim rent. inq.
629 Bellwood-av. Agent. BARBER shop 1 chair: apt. in rear. piversey S-8Y91 alter p.
m. BARB. Sh. Lse. or sale.
Nr. W. Excel, bus. Write TAT 99, Tribune. BEAUTY SHOP In Central Plaza hotel, xceiient opportunity to lease going business.
3Zi is. tentrai-av. Jriotet manager nuice BEAUTY Shop In South Shore Modern eauto. complete going Busi ness including liv. quarters at rear of shoo.
1853 E.79th. iiAyporti-paz BEAUTY salon 5009 W. Irving 1K. Aioaern, imiy equipycu. i.uai..
tii. tAiisaae o-ajju BEAUTY shop Very, good, long est. bus. dist. Lg.
rm. nman o-iit. BEAUTY shop Living qtrs. in rear. Sjnigejfcaoai BIKE shop Reas.
Exc. loc. Retiring. IV. W.
hwy. i-ruxrf. a vriV Stnre. schl. supplies Liv.
tor rent, ouo r. un-rjaiu CLEANING store Fully equipped; 20 yrs. at present ioc. ruciia cieaners. nerwyu STanley 8-32 62 CLEANG.
store and rte. $25,000 yr. gross; 2 on. uwncr, L. xvaimns.
342 E. 103d-stVAterfall88884 CLEANING store Modern. No cash. Living quarters. 13 vv uson CLEANING pint N.
Sh. S71.000 yr. Est. 17 yrs, am. nunycourt j-jouo COCKTAIL lounge and dining room One of finest in So.
Wis. Located Jet. 2 main 100 mi. Chicago. Wis.
license arranged. $75,000 Good terms. Doc Dockhorn, Broker. COCKTAIL Prove $400 wit net: sac; iaza a-u. COLLECTION ILL.
estab. 3U yrs. uooa income prouucer. a.icrv 91 vr nA law practice and 3 yC old business mgmnt. co.
High- class clientele. Complete set-up, incl. office, name, assets. $25,000. write Met; 3Z.
irioune CONFECTIONERY store Suburban loc. liooa ousiness. air pnec. Klversiae v- i i CONFECTIONERY-School Store Rms. Sac.
$700. LAkeview 5-3o26 COUNTRY general mdse. store 2 gas pumps. 6 rm. liv.
qtr. Closets, ram, gar. 5 A. land. Write Otto Vitous.
Star Polar. Wis. DAIRY QUEEN World's largest group ot individually owneq anve-ins has exclusive franchise available; In new shopping center xvortn -aim Beach, Fla. near new Pratt Whitney iet engine plant. Dairy Queen of Florida.
1830 N. W. Palm Beach, Fla. DAIRY QUEEN Established store opposite postottice iieiie riaue. ia.
1 hr. from Palm Beach. Unusual opportunity for working couple. $4,000 will handle. Southern Dairy Queen.
1830 N. W. PalrnJ3each.Fla. DAY NURSERY Approved. 25 child capacity.
iNew ciag. rui. uium $10,000 annually. Full pr. only $27,000.
Beimont-Central Realty. 29 57 N. Central-av. DFIT.TCATESSEN Excel. North side location in good business district.
Very good income. Open week-ends. KUgers faric DELICATESSEN-Rest. Priced for quick sale. Mod.
air loc. in Evanston. Big opport. for live wire. Owner must sacrifice due to ill Jiealth, GReenleaf 5-9116.
DELICATESSEN Est. 20 low rent, gd. lease: with liv. qtrs. and bAthroom.JPRospectJ8 509 tTRIVE-IN: soft ice cream.
Not franchised. Good business; volume. 6,000 gal. imm. poss.
Write MAH 1 55. Tribune DRIVE-IN So. suburb. $300 day. Terms.
Cox Dearborn j-iuor DRYCleaning and Laundromat Drive-in 6 washing machs. and dryers plus dry cleaning eqpt. Mercury steam boiler. 300,000 grain water softener, 2 Rex water 50 and 60 sal. gas fired.
On lot 66x132. Bldg. 4 yrs. old. This bus.
is run by man and wife. Sickness forces sale. If you want to be independent and free, work for yourself, this is your chance. The seller's -misfortune is your -sain. Act quick.
Only $26,500 cash. Loc. about 60 mi. N. W.
of Chicago. Agent. Write MAJ 49. 'tribune DRUG STORE Whiting. Ind.
Stock and fixtures: excel. 20 yr. bus. Pharmacist owner recently deceased. Ph.
Whiting. 841 or 3547. FOOD shop-del Good stock, fixt. Abuyat $2.750. Tms.
SPring 7-6524 FLORIST S. E. 425.000 plus yr. bus. Can fin.
AUstin 7-3277, agent. FURNACE and oil heating business Est. over twenty years: loc. South Bend. owner retiring.
Cash or terms to responsible parties. Full particulars by mail, if interested. Thurman Carey. Broker, Plymouth. Indiana.
GAS STATIONS FOR LEASE MODERN DE LUXE Prominently located on heavily trav eJed streets. REAL MONEY MAKERS FULLY EQUIPPED AUTOMATIC WASHER-LIFT 2 SERVICE BAY'S LOCATIONS SOUTH. SOUTHWEST AND SUBURBS Will interview Interested persons Mnndnv. July 22d. from to 9 P.
m. at Sherry Plaza. 12710 S. Ashland- Room Mr. Stephenson or Mr.
Carnes. GAS STATIONS Major oil company has 2 brand new stations ready tor inter ested party who desires to start own business. Far south side of Chicago and far S. W. suburb.
$4,000 to $5,000 -will handle. Reasonable rent BAyport 1-1516 GAS STATION FOR LEASE. ESTD. 20,000 GAL. MOD.
Call PRes- cott 9-5200 wkdys. 8 a.m.-4:3U p.m. GAS STATION For lease from Standard Oil Co 79th and Western. 2 stalls. High transient potential.
Good neighbor hood business. Purchase inventory onlv. Phone ANdover 3-234o, Ext 230, GAS STATIONS New service station units now rvail-able for lease. Maior oil company. Reasonable rentals.
North, northwest, and suburbs. Call Mr. Spangler, SPring 4-5500. GAS station Ecnlosed wash, grease, and auto, repair snop. Jig estao.
pus. Fully equipped. $1,500 will handle for stock. Long lease. N.
E. corner Kedzie-Wabansia. MOhawk 4-5670, 9 to 5 GAS STA. and auto repair ESTATE MUST SELL Established 35 years. $68,500.
Terms. Fullerton and Keating GAS station Good location. Doing $25,000. Price $3,000. Leaving town.
South Western-av. GHoyehill 6-9771 GAS station So. For lease with option to buy. Pumps now 30,000, with unlimited potential. $5,000 will handle Write MCE 198.
Tribune GASOLINE Service Sta. For lease. Modern 3 bay Texaco, 95th-Bishop For call LAfayette 3-5535 days or Homewood 4657-J eves. OAS station For lease. Small stock.
inventory. Conoco. Lincoln at Pe terson. SLnnyside 4-9401 nAS-mito repair Private lease. 5 years.
stocK ana equipment, aay operation. MErrimac 7-980U OA station N. side. Fully eqpd Call juniper b-3Su, ask-tor red. GAS Texaco cor.
loc. Money-maker. Terms. Austin 7-32YY. agent.
GAS stationSinclair, 4900 Diversey. Kental so. Abwny z-ato ii GIFT-CARD SHOP N. Shore sub urb, lst. money-maxer.
in reauce stock to suit purchaser. Other interest. HURRY this will go fast. Write MAU. 334.
irioune GRILL 324 W. Armitage, Good business. Owner leaving town. GRILL Beverly Hills. Mod.
eaiip. Must sac. BAyport 1-7976 I-1TJTT Mrwt Pr. SI. 650.
tins Wth. $5,000. LOngbeach 1-2825, ag. GRILL nr. Cubs Pk Small dn.
pay. New tlxt. Kqidare GROCERY and Meat Market Stock and fixtures. 5 rm. apt.
above. Full 2 car gar. 505 Ja PpteJndI nRrWP'TlY delicatessen, meat mkt. Illness forces saie. Money maker for right party.
Fully stocked. Rent cheap. DAnube tr-4b5s GROC-DELIC-FROZEN FOODS- Nr. schl. Due to illness.
Edgewater 4-4BUZ GROCER Y-Meats Semi-self-service Owner opening super-mart; no com- -T-Qllfi GROCER. Y-M eat Market Estab. 30 vr Troneif rnr JC1 v. j-l VJ1 I -J. A jrinaw 2020 E.
83d GROCERY At peak of busines and till axowms. S7.0H). ARen, WHeatoS 8-S652 individually decorated and furnished. Moderate monthly and weekly rentals. Complete hotel service, air cond.
lobby, coffee shop and lounge, also sun aecK. valet, laundry service, bar-ber shop for your convenience. Walk ing distance to Loop. Excellent trans portation to all points of city. 616 N.
RUSH-ST. PARK LANE HOTEL One of the most outstanding luxury apts. noteis on tne nortn side. 1 to 5 room apts. With or without complete hotel service.
Furnished Spacious rooms, ample closets, minutes to Loop. Facing lake and Lincoln Park Restauranu, drug store, TV. air cond. PARK LANE HOTEL 2842 N. Sheridan Bittersweet 8-3800 de T.TT-y:tn Newly Decorated l-EDROOM APTS.
EFFICIENCY UNITS HOTEL, ROOMS Maid service and linens daily. Bedroom feature dinette. kitchenette. North Shore Hotel Chicago-av. at Davis-st in the Heart of EVANSTON.
UNiversity 4-6400 Alexandria Hotel 57 E. OHIO Within easy walking distance of the Loop, near famous shopping district and fine restaurants; offers unsurpassed room values for permanent guests; newly decorated spacious rms. wiui ample closet space. $2.50 PER DAY $15 PER WEEK Telephone Superior 7-5544 $14.50 PER WEEK ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH WACKER HOTEL Just east of La Salle-st. Walking distance to Loop HOTEL, 830 S.
MICHIGAN Overlooking Grant Park $14 PER WEEK AND UP HOUSEKEEPG. RM. $17.50 UP TO RENT IN RESORT AREAS- ILLINOIS COLE'S resort Mod. hotel and cot tages. 50 mi.
from Chicago on Chan nel Lake. Antioch 34 for reserv. LAKE ZURICH South Shore. Blue Bird Acres. Lake frt.
cotes. 1-3 bed- rm. John Wischler. GEneral 8-7 168 LAKE COTTAGE in Pistakee Hiah- lands. Sleeps 7.
$40 wk. Call BUt- tertieid 8-ivyu MOD. 2 bdrm. home o'looking Won der Lake, io Austin 7-710 INDIANA BASS LAKE Mod. 46 lake tront pvt.
beach. Also 4 Gd. swim. $35 up. TU'xedo 9-5290 MICHIGAN GRAND BEACH 3 bdrm.
yr. round bouse. All conv. Avail. Aug.
-Sept. Overlooking golf course. 2 blks. from pvt. Lake Mich, beach.
WAbash 2-8150 or New Buffalo. Mich. 446. AU SABLE Waterfront family resort. Cool pine scented air; hay lever relief.
State approved; meals and room, $36.50 weekly. Mrs. em Cunningham. Grayling. Mich.
LAKESIDE Owner's mod. cottage. Gas. ht. av.
beg. July 27. Pvt. Lk.Mich.bch. WAterfall 8-0380 LAKE MICHIGAN Lake front cottages.
Pvt. beach: Mod conv. St. Joseph. DEarborn 2-2575 WISCONSIN LONG LAKE Modern housekeeping cottages: fully equipped, linens furnished.
By day, week, month, or season. Write Kettle Moraine Court. R. R. 3, Campbellsport, Wis.
Phone 3859. BEULAH Iake, Wisconsin 4 room furnished apt. TV, boat. Call East Troy, Midway 2-5378 LAKE Geneva Beau, resort nr. lake Hotel rms.
or modern hskpg. apts. Playground. KAvenswood 8-4712. CAMP LAKE 60 mi.
from Chicago: mod. cottage; good bathing and fish. tf-uuza LAKE Geneva Mod. 4 rm. Nr.
lake Ideal loc. $75 wk. UPtown 8-4865 POWKRS LAKE Furn. 4-5 rm. cot tages.
All conv. CHestnut 6-3667 MOD. 4 rm. cott. on Lake Mich.
Furn. OLympic 7-6225 coll. NO. WIS. Fine fishing, swimming.
mod. log cabins. Ph. GArden 4-241 -TO' RENT HOUSES- WILMETTE NEW town houses Immediate occupancy 3 bedrooms, bath and a half: modern kitchen eauiooed with electric range, refrig erator and garbage disposal! Each town house has separate basement and each unit has a garage. Latest in space arrangement.
$200 and $205 per month. Can our otlice and we will explain further details. Kenilworth Rlty. ALpine 1-5600 WOOD DALE New brick 3 bedrm bsmt. homes.
Rent with option to buy with low down payment. SPring 4-13B3 IND. 4 rm. hse. $40 mo.
1 hr. So S. AMbassador 2-11 5 NOW being decorated. 3 bdrm. bung.
$140 mo. 6656 W. Diversey, rear TO RENT APTS. SOUTH BEVERLY HILLS 9952 WALDEN-PKWY. OP.
1-6 1 block E. of Longwood-dr. 1 New de luxe 2 4i rm. apt. Kental $175 mo.
includes every extra. 1 blk. to R. I. and stores.
BARRETT BROS. REALTORS 2559 W. 79th PRospect 8-2100 riR 1st fl. Air fullv liv. bdrm-, hall, bir.
wall tile a. 3 extra in-a-dr. bed; fin. oak lis. -trim: cab.
sink, tile a. CTA, R. I. Adlti. $115 mo.
eB44 s. Normal. 1356 MADISON PARK. 3 rooms, new 4 rooms, new 6 rooms, 2 baths, 2d fir S165 See lamtor on premise SAgmaw l-t "673 S. ORANDON 7 rm.
4 bed rms plus encl. heated side drive 3d floor, avail able new. Call PLaza 2-U41B or A. KAMENIARIN CO. 3042 Wentworth CAIumet 5-4683 1536 E.
69TH-ST. 214 rooms, newly decorated, elevator $72.50. Imm. poss. See janitor on premises or call KAdcUHe 3-4 4UU RF.VERLY HILLS New 2 bedroom de luxe apts.
Ready for occupancy. Rental $145 and up CEdarcrest 3-2130 PRescott 9-5985 BEAUT, decorated large 5 rm. flat plus new sun porch, new refrig. with Ireezer top. low da, 123 mo.
Avail, immediately. 6717 S. Clyde. FAirfax 4-3637 AVAILABLE NOW RM. apt.
$70-85 per month. Nr. I. good shopping area. Call FAirfax 4-6 3 16.
daily 9-5. 5 RMS. Vic. 79th-Jeffery. 3d Youngstown side dr.
gar. Adults only. $175. BAyport 1-8522, to 11 a. m.
after 4 p. m. TEW ART 4 rm. 1st and 3d apt. Good location.
Plenty of closets. $82.50. Call Vv Entwonb 6-3231 week days. 6659 S. STEWART IM to 4 rm.
lie luxe apts. Ample closet space. $65 to $80 mo. Call WEntwortb 6-3231 weeK days. 68TH-MERRILL 5 rm.
1st fir. apt. Sun parlor; near par ana acnoois. Avail. 1st.
$120. W'Entworth 6-3231 4 ROOMS ITtilities incl S87.50 3 rooms CtUiues incl Jll.ou Inquire 1401 E. 53d-st. bsmt.I 3 RM. apt.
3d fl. 6909 Crandon-av. Call Fl-Aza z-kiwi or juowm 3-5770 after 6 p. m. 2 RMS.
$65: inador; full bath; facing Midway: nr. i. jc. mun decor, jviiaway o-ioo. 4 RMS.
Recently decor. 2d fir. $90 mo. IC CTA transp. Avaiu Aug.
i. Museum 4-oo 5 RMS. Toilet only; stv. htd. 528 W.
27th-st. See Mrs. tjaruro or cau LAtayette j-aoaj 3 RM. mod. bsmt.
apt. $85. Free child welc. Nr. IC-CTA.
Gold. 6730 Clyde. PLaxa 2-4883 on EL. 155 453 W. 70th-st.
HUdson 3-0054 3-4 ROOM and bath Newly decor BRAINERD Sublet 5 rm. 3d R. I. Adults. PRescott 9-1 4o7 RM Vr St.
Sailings. Utils. incl. 2d 5 RM. APT.
ith htd. sleeping porch. Near 1. C. rnospect o-aujj.
MOD. 3-4 rm. Util. furn. $75 61th-Bishop WAlbrook 5-7188 4524 DREXEL 4 rms.
mod. $90. nanticM0J()EjWalj6r869 BrtnMS sin. och. 2d.
6733 Clyde. 3d. 6735 Clyde. FRanklin 2-00284 TO RENT APTS. S.
W. 7 RM. h. 3 2nd. Sdults.No pets.fa 1 1 Lamnoeii.
3 ROOMS Htd. with garage. 2940 W. 25th-pl. TO RENT APTS.
NORTH 4 RMS. Furn. or unfurn. 2 rm. and 1 rm.
kitnt. 21ci i. iarx. 5 RM. 2d mod.
6300 N. Blk. lake All trans. 1 40iSHeldrake3-l 221 6 RM. 5200 nr.
lake. 3d EDgewater 4-0422 2H. 34. 4 RMS. DECOR.
AN 1 1UK. 1822 2H ROOMS Gas included. Dec. JANITORSleJimOTE 4 ROOMS 2d fl- Avail.
August 1 Janitor, 13431 touny DES. 4 rm. 3d. E. Rog.
Pk. Nr. bch 7025 Sheridan HOilycourt 5-3038 3520 LAKE Shore-dr 5 ran. cera U.U XT A 7-S3n3 ALBANY PK. New dec.
4 rm. apt. gJ m. OU. i fipSTFK.
5V4 rms encl. back pch. JjeC. illJ. JUWOUJU 3 22 RMS.
Tile ba. 3d fl. $75. Mike 3Vi SMS. Furn.
for sale. INc dependence 3-8005 7600 SHERIDAN-RD- Apt. 203 1 bedrm. jiuo mo. inci.
utu. 6 LGE, mod. rms Encl. back pch. 1 30 RAvenswood 8-4 744 5 RMS.
1st. $110: new exc c-Knn KlrtS Winthron. EDGEWATER dist Htd. 4 rms. $95 UPtown s-uuu aciinyiiuc t-ijjj SUBLSE.
2 rm. 3d. Vic. Rog. Pk.
xr it AMbassador 2-0512 3H RMS 3d rear. Vic Lincoln park. Heated. MUlberry 5-6776. CLEAN 2 rms- L'T- kitchen.
and rarn ftoii. oqu.i.vm. 7ROOMS 1 block north of Howard $160- UNiversity 4-2843 5 RMS. 2d fl. $115 moAdits.
Dec. 1 1526 1 Till om lAmOT4m 1 i. rwnart'o. attractive RAnwd7-3i60. 871 N.
Talmaa to live at 900 LAKE SHORE 2801 N. SHERIDAN 1-3 BEDROOMS FROM $180 LUXURY LIVING MAJESTIC BEAUTY Lakefront address of distinction. Aluminum and glass tower construction. Air conditioned. Spacious rooms.
All-electric kitchen. Doorxaan-valet-garage. Immediate occupancy. MODEL APTS. OPEN DAILY 10 A.
P. M. 900 LAKE SHORE OFFICE WHitehall 4-6280 2801 SHERIDAN-RD. OFFICE LAkeview 8-0622 Herbert Realty Co. 135 S.
LA SALLE-ST. AIR CONDITIONED 227 E. A few 5 room apts. with 2 baths still available in this sew. conveniently located bids.
Complete quiet and privacy Only two apts. to a floor BAIRD WARNER CEntral 6-1944 AGENT ON PREMISES Week days 10:30 to 5 Sat, and Son. 1:00 to 5 6030-6118 Sheridan Distinguished lake front elevator buildings at convenient North fchore locations. Ultra smart 3 to 5 room apartments. Si 35 and up; garage facilities available.
4-5 ROOM APTS. XX WALK-UP BUILD INCS S. JAMES CO. 6030 SHERIDAN-RD LOngbeach 1-4500 2933 SHERIDAN-RD. Super de luxe 4 and 5 room ants.
elevator single and double plumbing with glass shower enclosures, electric kitchen with Hotpoint range, dishwasher, radiant heat, cork floor: drape lin ers, complete decorating, garage facilities in bldg. Many other fine features. For appointment for inspection call Beni. E. Sherman Son.
ALDEN ON PREMISES OR CALL Long-Kogen Inc. ROgers Pk. 4-6500 2052 LINCOLN PARK WEST 2Mi-4-5 ROOMS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Oop. Park-Lake. Conv.
to all trans. shops, schools, churches. Gas, win dow wash. incl. Lge.
rms. closets. Doorman. Elevator. J.
A. MARTIN CQ.LIncoln 9-3634 AVAILABLE now 4646 N. Mag nnlin. It, rm. ants.
Inn bedroom 1 1st floor, in well supervised and maintained bldg. Ideal for Single people or working couple. S65 includes gas. elec. stove, refrig.
For irn tp TJrwd Tjirdenholt. Long-Kogen. RQgers Park 4-6500 247 E. Chestnut luxe 5 2 2 baths: air pvt. sun decic; gar.
Avail Anenst 1st. Rentals from S270. P. Kargman Co. RAndolph 6-1109 MR.
VV OUD I IVi AND 2 RMS. At THE LAKE Ideal lor business woman, oouu in. on nd 3d. SfiS to S87.50. IMod.
Nr. bus and Apts. have front and rear entr. SHeldrake 3-8300 or KugersPar44-y 44 o. PRIVATE PATIO WASHED BY THE LAKE BEACH ADJOINING TJtQ riTTPOT? ATTVfT JANITOR 7673 N.
ROGERS AIR CONDITIONED 3 1H bath. 5 rm. apt. 1 bedrm. 4 rm.
apt. Plevntor hlrii. Electric kitchen Mr. Sutchekj 2930 Commonwealth T-pTOWTj DISTRICT Kar and Nicely situat ed. 5 tile bath.
1st floor. All outside, with sunparlor. Adults only. SI 15. Jonn tiowers jo.
LOngbeach 1-8833 EASTROGERS PARK bedroom apts. in new bldg. Just off the lake $14p-Sl55 THEIL 742 5 N. Sher idan-rd. Mi RM.
apts. available 3521-29H Broadway. Mod. kits. Will decor, to your taste.
See Mr. Gassmann. 3521 Broadway or call SPaulding 2-0450 or FRanklin2-0535; A. LARGE ROOMS. Well managed bldg.
Gd. trans. Nr. PARK. Prot.
and Cath. schools. Aug. 1. $95.
Anderson. 5216 K. 9-4. 4. PM APT.
2 spacious liv. rm. I01I8: 3 large closets, all new kitchen auu new tile bath-shower. $135. 713 Wellington Superior 7-6160 2M.
RM. ant Liv. rm. Il'l23': bed room mod. kitchenette: priv.
bath: $90: util. incl. 7717 527. E. ROGERS PK.
Overlooking lake. 6 rms. with sun break, 2 baths.lst fl. $175. Sublet.
New lse. A vai 1 Sept. 1. Ogers Park 4-408 8 6" RM. choice 2 fl.
apt. Devon-Western sect. $135. Poss. Oct.
1 or sooner. Must sell all furniture at sac. AMbassador 2-22b4 6129 N. SEELEY mi RmHv Am. 1st.
2nd floor. Large, large rooms. See J. Mueller 509 ROSCOE-ST. Newly dec.
-4 rm. 1st fir. apt. Imm. poss.
5 mo. Call Lischeron. EAstgate -7-2889 or LOngbeach 1-1855. SUBLEASE 2 rm. apt.
$77.50. 1st fir. Avail. Aug. 1.
complete iurnisn-ings. $350. 7713 Sheridan-rd. RQgers Park 1-657? 916 DAKIN $62.50 3d fl. Av.
Aug. 1. bee Janitor at uiu entr. 911 GORDON-TERRACE 5 2d S9o. 4 gd.
trans. WEllington 5-3460 or Buckingham 1-8755- 5 RM. apt- 2 baths: nr. North side: desirable avail, sept, or uct. 1st.
Furn. for sale. DElaware 7-4471 or WHitehall 4-6971. 529 STRATFORD-PL. 1st fl.
de luxe 8 3 batns. scrna. porcn. $275 mo. Nov.
lse. By appt. only. mtenaii 49bB 4 RM. bedrm.
apt. Adults only. $107.50 mo. Lincoln-Winnemac LOngbeacn 1 -e 9 4 857 EASTWOOD Unfurn. 3 rm.
apt. Pvt. bath. ree utilities. 1st lioor.
Adults, sso per month. 1746 W. ESTES Large 3 cab. la utns. inci.
can LUngbeacn 1-lUda ROGERS PARK 6 ROOMS DE LUXE. 2 FULL BATHS BElmont 5-7701 1527 Pratt-blvd. 5 LARGE rms. Sunrm. and encl.
rear isa li.i io. t-auiina- Juneway-terr. ALbany -4a 11 nr. Howard. 1 fl spac.
tue Kit. ana oatn. $150. BRiargate 4-6 1 07 3 VACANT apts. Includes utilities.
773 1 jn. jasiiaite- ler. AMbassador z-i i a I UNFURN. and furnished studio apts. 1 bdrm.
All new turn, tsu mo. and up. Michigan 2-1194 2M RMS. 3d. Range, refrig.
Tile bath, wuiet. ijooa ioc. io. itox ThorndaleORchard49721 4 Heated. Stove, refrig.
1st 11. 51UU. AQUlts only. GKaceiana z-uai 5 ROOMS 2d. Pine Grove and Cor nelia.
SI 5. Avail, sept. i. Mr. Cprper ANdover31334 4 RMS $95.
,5 rms. ratn, n. iewiy un.uidicu. throp-W'inona ARdmore 1-1024 LITE, airy, quiet 4 room, also 2Vt rerx- elev Adults. Buckingham 1-4454 4Vi RilS 2 Bedrms.
liv. din ette. Kitnt. iSl Iir. Iirepjooi uiua.
1 1 7.50 loop Jioiiywooa 6 RMS. Mod. dbl. plumb. 3d fl.
Nr. pors. nau. im-med. pos.
Inq. Jirgal, 1112 Ardmore WTVON'A-ST. Edaewater dist 5Vi rm. mod. apt.
jge, ana iignc ja Exc. transp. Avail. Aug. 1.
3RM, apt. 507 Wrightwood. Will decor, siou nui. tnciuaea. MOhawk 4-4479 or MOhawk 4-4132 ROGERS PARK 5 3d floor.
AMt-s nr.nui KEvstone 9-3836 KEystone 9-0006 2H ROOM Kitchenette apt. 740 N. JJearDorn, zo lioor. rteni oo. tail igent.L0ngbeach 1-5761.
RM. Htd. porch, 1st fl. Child O.K. $100 mo.
5437 N. Kenmore 4159 N. SACRAMENTO 3 dec. It. $90.
LOngoeacn t-otas. 1251 W. DEVON 2 rms. 3d Q. $72.50.
HUliycoun 4608 BEACON-ST. 2 bath. Stove, refr. 6 4JEAstgate 7-53o3 4 SPACIOUS rms. Nr.
lake: stove. retr. 1 9U mo. I nowa ooog 4R'MS. 2d fit'.
5900 N. 1700 W. $90. lngbeacIJi: 4825 KEDZIE 4 lge. rms.
Stove, refrig. ST. EAstgate iooa. STiOO'MSd floor, $Tl5 month; dec- orated; adtnts. loo uiium--6 RM.
No. Rockwell, low 3d. Adit. $140. KQgen ParK l-vioi.
4 RM. garden apt. Arcadia lerrace $100 no. HOilycourt5-3072 5i7! duc i fir sari. 5949 N.
Paulina, SPaC. Hie. cieau Studio! $110. 525 DemingI2o25NJ ba. Nr.
lake Newly dec 630 pi 6 fl. $100. Triest. 1024 -JS? -T con A rlmcrfrvn- Irving Pat.lA:evirw 7RMS. Sublease Sept.
1. SI lo- Nearlake. BUckinghamL006J EX CEP. 2W, rms -All winds, face Ik. 2d flr.
rear. "Stv. htd 1700 mo. t-V evic o-j 2ri RM. fl.
1mm. poss. 5 flr Inimed 4 RMS. New. remod-.
dec. 2d fl. sat w. jaoauoac. 1" -t i I i I i.