Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices - Blogs (2025)

In celebration of ECF’s 75th Anniversary, we have gathered together 75 of our most popular and evergreen resources across ten different ministry areas. We hope you enjoy reading them and find that they spark questions and ideas to enrich your ministry.

ECF Vital Practices, a ministry of the Episcopal Church Foundation, supports Episcopal faith communities by providing resources and tools to help them adapt to the changing needs of the Church. On this digital platform, ECF lifts up the stories, experiences, and best practices of lay and clergy leaders to make it easier for others who seek to improve the Church.

1. Leadership and Team Building

    1. Cultivating a Culture of Discernment by Blair Pogue
    This article explores the importance of creating an intentional, prayerful environment for decision-making in churches and ministries. It emphasizes the value of discernment in building a community that listens to God’s guidance and moves forward with clarity and purpose.

    2. Building Strong Teams: A Tool for Identifying and Addressing Five Common Areas of Dysfunction by Rosa Lindahl
    Rosa Lindahl believes a leadership team’s capacity to move into the future depends on its ability to
    function effectively. She provides insights into the five most common dysfunctions that can hinder team performance in a ministry context.

      3. Vision for Impact, Not Just Change by Linda Buskirk
      Linda Buskirk encourages ministry leaders to think beyond superficial changes and focus on long-term, sustainable impact. It discusses how churches can develop visions that inspire action, strengthen communities, and create lasting spiritual growth.

        4. Aligning the Vestry (Part 2 of 2 of Transformational Vestries) by Greg Syler
        In this second part of a series on transformational vestries, the article focuses on how to align the vestry with the methods of a missionary church. It offers practical steps for fostering vestry unity, improving leadership dynamics, and supporting a church’s long-term vision.

          5. Think You Want to Call a Part-Time Rector? Read this first.by Ken Howard
          In this blog post, the Rev. Ken Howard explores the process of how to call a part-time rector and how to make that decision.

          6. A Twice “Failed” Rector Search with a Perfect Result by Ken Mosesian
          Ken Mosesian writes about the lengthy search for a new rector in his parish and explains how “God’s delays are not God’s denials”.

          7. Passing the Baton by Annette Buchanan
          In her blog post for Vital Practices, Canon Annette Buchanan discusses succession and signs that it’s not going so well and steps to take in order to do it well.

          8. Just What Are We Doing Here? by Audrey C. Scanlan
          The Rt. Rev. Audrey C. Scanlan, Bishop of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, discusses the challenging question, “Just What Are We Called to be Doing Here?” and how we can find a way to make that happen.

          9. Our Current Clergy Shortage by Sandy Webb
          In his blog post the Rev. Sandy Webb talks about clergy deployment and trends. He believes that The Episcopal Church has an insufficient number of clergy and an ineffective means of distributing the clergy that it has.

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          2. Stewardship and Financial Management

          10. Exploring Your Congregation’s Financial History by Demi Prentiss
          Understanding a church’s financial history is crucial for effective stewardship. This article provides tools and questions to help congregations examine their financial legacies and make informed decisions about the future.

            11. Money Legacies by Donald V. Romanik
            Talking about money is still a big taboo, especially in church circles—and especially among Episcopalians. We talk about everything else in church—the most intimate details of our lives, including health and relationships. What is it about money that makes it so off-limits in faith-based conversations?

              12. Meeting New Challenges for Stewardship by Charles Cloughen Jr.
              This article includes practical advice for engaging congregations in meaningful stewardship practices, such as creating generous givers and encouraging generosity.

                13. Four Principles of Pastoral Fundraising by Sandy Webb
                This article provides four key principles for successful pastoral fundraising. It offers a theological framework for understanding fundraising as a ministry and includes practical tips for church leaders.

                  14, 10 Counterintuitive Practices That Will Improve Your Stewardship (Even During a Pandemic) by Ken Howard
                  In this article, the author presents 10 stewardship practices that have proven to be effective, even during times of crisis. These practices challenge traditional approaches and offer fresh insights into how congregations can nurture generosity.

                    15. What Does Fiduciary Responsibility Really Mean at a Church? by Carsten Sierck
                    ECF’s Executive Director of Endowment Management Carsten Sierck succinctly breaks down the concept of fiduciary responsibility in the context of church leadership. She explains what it means to manage church finances ethically and responsibly.

                      16. Five Steps to Creating a Successful Endowment by Juliette Acker
                      Endowments can provide long-term financial stability for churches, and this article outlines five key steps for building and managing a successful endowment. It includes practical tips on how to grow and sustain an endowment for the future of the church.

                        17. The True Meaning of Stewardship by Sarah Townsend Leach
                        Sarah Townsend Leach tells us that in the secular nonprofit world, the word “stewardship” doesn’t mean asking for money, rather it is everything that is done to build the relationship with the giver between gifts. Read on to see what she recommends to do stewardship right.

                          18. An Audacious Spirit of Abundance by Sandy Webb
                          This reflection calls on churches to embrace a spirit of abundance rather than scarcity, particularly in times of financial uncertainty.

                            19. Offertory Revisited by Lisa G. Fischbeck
                            The Rev. Lisa G. Fischbeck offers a fresh perspective on the meaning and purpose of the offertory.

                              20. It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Donald V. Romanik
                              Donald Romanik is not referring to Christmas but the annual pledge campaign for your congregation. Actually, this can be a wonderful time of the year if church leadership approaches the campaign with faithfulness, focus and follow-through.

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                              3. Outreach, Hospitality, and Welcoming

                              21. Redefining Outreach by Linda Buskirk
                              This is a fresh take on what outreach can look like in modern ministry. The article challenges traditional notions of outreach and suggests ways churches can become more engaged with their communities through innovative, relationship-focused approaches.

                              22. Amp Up Your Hospitality by Kathy Copas
                              Hospitality is a core value in ministry, and this article provides practical tips for improving how churches welcome newcomers and engage with their communities. From small gestures to large initiatives, it emphasizes the importance of creating a warm, inclusive environment.

                              23. Easier Hospitality by Jeremiah Sierra
                              This article offers simple, practical strategies for making hospitality easier for church volunteers and staff.

                              24. Hospitality Is More Than Being Nice to People You Like by Alan Bentrup
                              Going beyond the surface level of politeness, this article delves into the deeper meaning of Christian hospitality. It challenges readers to extend kindness and welcome to those who may be difficult to love or those who are different from them, reflecting the radical inclusivity of Jesus’ ministry.

                              25. Welcoming Young Families by Sarah Townsend Leach
                              With many churches seeking to attract young families, this article offers practical advice from a parent’s point of view on how to create a welcoming and supportive environment for parents and children. It includes tips on adapting worship services, offering childcare, and building relationships with young families in the community.

                              26. So You Want to Attract Young Families by Ken Howard
                              This article offers deeper insights into what younger generations of parents are looking for in a church. It includes practical steps for adapting church programs and worship services to meet the needs and interests of young families.

                              27. Give Your Community Their Church Back by Greg Syler
                              In this blog, The Rev. Greg Syler calls on churches to reconnect with their local communities. He suggests ways that congregations can open their doors to the community and use their buildings as a shared resource for social good.

                              28. Making Our Congregations More “Find-able by Jacob Sierra
                              In today’s digital age, being “findable” online is crucial for churches. This article provides tips on improving a congregation’s online presence through search engine optimization (SEO), website updates, and social media engagement, ensuring that people can easily locate and learn about the church.

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                              4. Communication, Branding, and Digital Ministry

                              29. Church as Brand by Ken Mosesian
                              This article examines the concept of branding in a church context. It explores how congregations can define and communicate their unique identity to the broader community, expressing authenticity through a promise to parishioners.

                              30. How Do We Tell Our Story? by Demi Prentiss
                              Storytelling is a powerful tool in ministry, and this article provides guidance on how churches can craft and share their stories in compelling ways. It includes tips on identifying key narratives and using them to engage both internal and external audiences. She says, “God calls us to tell the greatest story ever told – to share God’s Good News every way we possibly can and, when necessary, to use words.”

                              31. TikTok and Real Ministry by Ben Maddison
                              Exploring the intersection of social media and ministry, this article discusses how platforms like TikTok can be used for authentic ministry outreach. It offers practical tips for leveraging these tools to connect with younger generations.

                              32. Build Your Own Social Media Calendar by Kjerstin Besser
                              This article offers step-by-step instructions for creating an effective social media calendar for your church. It includes tips on content planning, scheduling, and maintaining a consistent online presence.

                              33. We’re in Jesus’ Marketing Department by Dr. Sandra T. Montes
                              Dr. Montes shares the stories of four bi-lingual (Spanish/English) communications practitioners in church settings. The article offers practical tips on how churches can share their faith in ways that are authentic, impactful, and relevant, in two languages.

                              34. Continuous Communication by Annette Buchanan
                              This article highlights the importance of maintaining consistent and clear communication within the church community. Canon Annette Buchanan recommends a comprehensive communication plan handled by one committee with a team leader to coordinate the website, social media, newsletter, etc.

                              35. Newsletter Makeover by Susan Elliott
                              If your church’s newsletter feels outdated or unengaging, Susan Elliott offers practical advice and detailed steps for giving it a makeover.

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                              5. Environmental Stewardship and Creation Care

                              36. Make a Start on Creation Care by ECFVP Editorial Team
                              This article offers five ways to begin making steps towards living more gently on the Earth.

                              37. Seeking Refugia: Hope for a World in Climate Crisis by Josh Anderson
                              ECF’s Josh Anderson addresses the climate crisis and explores the book Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth by Debra Rienstra. Refugia are “tiny coverts where plants and creatures hide from destruction, hidden shelters where life persists and out of which new life emerges.”

                              38. Eco-Justice Lives in the Heart by The Rt. Rev. Marc Andrus
                              This essay uses the accounts of two communities, one near the Salton Sea in southern California, and a second community, the Kavalina Village in Alaska, to explore our call as Episcopalians to eco-justice and ways that our Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement can help care for creation.

                              39. Tending to the Earth with Children by Sharon Ely Pearson
                              Focusing on intergenerational environmental care, this article provides suggestions for involving children in creation care activities at home and at church. It highlights the importance of teaching young people about stewardship and sustainability within a faith context.

                              40. What is ESG Investing? by Aline Sun
                              In this blog post from ECF’s Endowment Management’s Aline Sun, learn what ESG investing is and how it covers issues as diverse as CEO compensation and pollution.

                              41. Climate Change and the Church by Ken Mosesian
                              Ken Mosesian is based in Phoenix AZ, which will likely surpass its record of 18 consecutive days above 110 degrees. He implores us to not just write pretty words about creation care but to take action as stewards of the Earth.

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                              6. Spiritual Growth, Reflection, and Well-being

                              42. Seven Ways to Nourish Your Spirit and Soul by Rebecca Roberts
                              Although couched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rev. Rebecca Roberts’ article provides seven practical ways for individuals in ministry to nurture their own spiritual and emotional well-being in difficult times. From prayer practices to physical wellness, these tips are designed to help sustain long-term ministry engagement.

                              43. The Joy and Gratitude Within by Kathy Culmer
                              This reflective article focuses on the spiritual practice of cultivating joy and gratitude in daily life. It offers insights into how these attitudes can transform both individual spiritual practices and communal worship, making ministry more fulfilling and life-giving.

                              44. A Personal Take on Gratitude by Jeremiah Sierra
                              Through personal storytelling, this article explores the transformative power of gratitude. The author shares how incorporating gratitude into ministry and personal life can change perspectives.

                              45. The Quiet Center: Cultivating Inner Peace in Unsettling Times by Rebecca Roberts
                              The Rev. Rebecca Roberts leads a webinar that provides simple practices to help settle the heart and mind so that we can be fully present to our parishioners, our families, and to God.

                              46. Learning to Waste Time by Alan Bentrup
                              In a world that values productivity, this article suggests that wasting time—through prayer, contemplation, or simply being present—can be a valuable spiritual practice. It challenges readers to embrace unstructured time as a way to deepen their faith.

                              47. “Sparking Joy” in Your Faith by Nelson Mendoza
                              Inspired by Marie Kondo’s approach to decluttering, this article applies the concept of “sparking joy” to faith and ministry. It explores how individuals and churches can rediscover joy and vitality in their spiritual practices by focusing on what brings them closer to God.

                              48. The Work of God by Annette Buchanan
                              As church workers and leaders we are often very busy in our congregations. In many cases we are conflating the works of the Church with the work of God, and busyness in Church with the work of God.

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                              7. Justice, Inclusivity, and Diversity

                              49. Respectful Practices for Approaching Multicultural Resources by Ellis Reyes Montes
                              This article highlights the importance of respect when engaging with multicultural resources in ministry. It provides guidelines for ensuring that diverse cultural perspectives are honored and integrated meaningfully into church life and programming.

                              50. The Messy Business of Being White by Anna Olson
                              A candid exploration of being white, especially in a ministry setting. The article reflects on how white people can engage in justice work and self-reflection to better support diverse communities.

                              51. Responding to Injustice by Annette Buchanan
                              This article offers practical guidance on how churches can respond to social injustice. It explores the role of the church in advocating for change, standing in solidarity with marginalized groups, and fostering a community of action.

                              52. God Be in My Heart by Westley Art Hodges
                              A reflective and prayerful article that talks about the author’s personal journey in The Episcopal Church as a queer man.

                              53. Do Not Look Away by Ken Mosesian
                              This powerful reflection encourages churches and individuals not to turn away from the difficult issues facing society today. It calls on faith communities to engage deeply with topics like injustice, inequality, and suffering.

                              54. Kelly's story by Sandra Montes
                              Dr. Sandra Montes relates Kelly's story, who came with her family to the United States from Venezuela.

                              55. Becoming a Beloved Community by Miguel Bustos
                              The Rev. Miguel Bustos, The Episcopal Church’s Manager for Racial Justice and Reconciliation, talks about his experiences and how we can become a Beloved Community.

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                              8. Practical Ministry Tools and Innovation

                              56. Mobilizing Buildings by Greg Syler
                              What if we leaned into a new way of being, and learned to take our buildings and make them real assets, used more frequently than (most) are? What if we tried to figure out a way to mobilize our buildings – all of them?

                              57. Leveraging Your Congregation’s Physical Assets by Ken Howard
                              The Rev. Ken Howard suggests using strategic thinking so churches can minister more effectively to the neighborhoods they serve, while helping themselves become more vital and sustainable as congregations in the process.

                              58. An Asset-Based Approach to Engaging Church and Community by the ECFVP Team
                              This article introduces Called to Transformation (CTT), an asset-based approach to ministry sponsored by The Episcopal Church and Episcopal Relief and Development, which is centered around the belief that individuals, groups and communities have the gifts they need to address the needs they see around them.

                              59. New Use for the Annual Report by Linda Buskirk
                              Rather than seeing the annual report as just a formality, this article suggests ways to make it a powerful tool for stewardship.

                              60. Uncovering Hidden Treasure by Demi Prentiss
                              This piece delves into how churches can discover untapped potential that can resource the congregation. It encourages leaders to look beyond the surface to find hidden strengths that can enhance their ministry.

                              61. A Twice “Failed” Rector Search with a Perfect Result by Ken Mosesian
                              God’s delays are not God’s denials. This article offers insights into how perseverance, prayer, and trust in God’s plan can result in finding the right leader, even when the process doesn’t go as planned.

                              62. Can I Buy My Church? Resourcing the Local Parish by Greg Syler
                              This article discusses creative financial models for helping local parishes stay viable. It explores how congregations can take ownership of their financial futures in innovative ways.

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                              9. Engaging Youth and Young Adults

                              63. Taking Our Pulse: Engaging Young Adults by Jacob Sierra
                              Young adults are often underrepresented in churches, and this article provides the data proving it.

                              64. Ten Reasons Why You Should Be an Episcopalian by Dean Wolfe
                              This article presents ten compelling reasons to consider the Episcopal tradition. From its rich liturgical heritage to its emphasis on social justice, the piece presents the unique strengths of The Episcopal Church.

                              65. The Liturgy of Camp by Spencer Hatcher
                              The Rev. Spencer Hatcher writes about the vibrant sense of community and grace that can be found at Episcopal summer camp.

                              66. A Missional Family by Maria Teresa Bautista-Berrios
                              Maria Teresa Bautista-Berrios relates the story of her wonderful family and how they are her rock as she pursues the priesthood.

                              67. The Art of Grace by Richelle Thompson
                              A church coloring book? Sure, why not? It’s a creative and accessible way to teach both children and adults about the church and its traditions. Using drawings done by artists in the congregation also honors their talents.

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                              10. Liturgical Seasons and Celebrations

                              68. Celebrating the Harvest: With Gratitude and Thanksgiving by Christine Sine
                              This is a great time of year to inspire our congregations with gratitude and generosity. Helping those we shepherd see the world from a perspective of God’s abundance, rather than the economy of scarcity our culture constantly bombards us with, is very important.

                              69. Make the Spirit of Christmas Last Year-Round by Richelle Thompson
                              Christmas often brings out the best in people, and this article offers a tip for carrying that spirit of generosity, kindness, and joy throughout the year.

                              70. Las Posadas and the Journey to Bethlehem by Raul Diego Veizaga
                              In this Vestry Papers article, Raul Diego Veizaga discusses las posadas and how they commemorate the journey that Joseph and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a safe refuge where Mary could give birth to the baby Jesus.

                              71. Invitation to a Holy Advent by Linda Buskirk
                              We are invited to expect a great light and to find it lying in a manger. This article offers a thoughtful approach to the Advent season, encouraging readers to embrace the spiritual significance of waiting and preparation.

                              72. Lenten Discipline for Congregations and Vestries by Annette Buchanan
                              In this blog, Canon Annette Buchanan provides us with a list of good disciplines for vestries and congregations to undertake during the season of Lent.

                              73. Epiphany Blessings by Donald V. Romanik
                              In his blog post Donald Romanik offers suggestions on how to incorporate themes of Epiphany into our daily lives as followers of Jesus.

                              74. Liturgy Notes by Lisa G. Fischbeck
                              Many in the Episcopal Church have a love and appreciation of the liturgy. But there are many who are still learning its ways. Some churches have accommodated this fact by including a written guide or a handout for those looking to learn.

                              75. St. Nicholas Day Resources by Jim Rosenthal
                              Jim Rosenthal, who frequently represents St. Nicholas as part of his ministry with the St. Nicholas Society, shares some resources related to this well-known saint.

                                Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices - Blogs (2025)
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                                Author: Jerrold Considine

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                                Views: 5620

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                                Author information

                                Name: Jerrold Considine

                                Birthday: 1993-11-03

                                Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

                                Phone: +5816749283868

                                Job: Sales Executive

                                Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

                                Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.