Miki's Food Archives (2025)

Showing posts with label Cupcakes. Show all posts

Showing posts with label Cupcakes. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Ondeh-Ondeh Muffins 椰香班兰椰糖馅麦芬

Miki's Food Archives (1)

This is a super easy recipe that is doable even for beginner bakers. Inspiredby the local traditional Ondeh Ondeh kueh, this is an East-meets-West kind of Pandan flavour muffin filled with fragrant coconut palm sugar and a sprinkling of desiccated coconut on top.

Pandan paste is added to the muffin batter to resemble the same flavour and colour as the traditional treat. AddedGula Melaka cube to the muffin giving it moisture and elevating the taste. It has an earthy aroma and deep caramel flavour that pair well with the Pandan muffins.

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These muffins were baked by my 14-year-old son while he was practising for his FCE-EOY exams. This would be his last FCE project, no more culinary lessons at school as he will be in science stream next year. Hopefully, he will still cook and bake at home:)

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This was one of the ondeh-ondeh muffins he baked at school during FCE exam.
He brought it back home and had it for breakfast the next day!



100g Self Raising Flour

50g Castor Sugar

50ml Milk

1 Egg

3 tbsp Melted Butter

1/4 tsp Pandan Paste

1/4 tsp Salt

4pcs Gula Melaka Cubes

Handful of Desiccated Coconut

Miki's Food Archives (4)

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1. Mix milk, egg, sugar, melted butter and pandan paste.

2. Sift flour and salt in another bowl. Combine both mixtures, do not overmix the batter.

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3. Line the muffin tray with muffin cases. Fill a quarter of each case with the batter, add a piece of Gula Melaka cube and fill each case evenly with the remaining batter. Sprinkle some desiccated coconut on top. Bake in a preheated oven180'C for 15 minutes or until cooked through. 若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。

If you like my recipe, clickhere,LIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook pageor follow us on Instagram:mfa_dingoozatfoodto receive more recipe updates. Remember to favourite my pages if you wish to see my posts on your news feed.


Posted byMiki's Food Archivesat01:04:00No comments: Miki's Food Archives (6)

Labels:,Cupcakes,,Muffin,School Holiday Food Related Activities

Friday 21 April 2023

Bandung Basque Burnt Cheesecake 双色玫瑰巴斯克芝士蛋糕

Miki's Food Archives (7)

Basque Burnt Cheesecake is definitely one of my favourite baked cheesecakes because it's extremely easy to make. Previously I've made a few different flavours - vanilla, coffee, and Neapolitan.

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My son is a super fan of Sirap Bandung aka rose syrup milk. So this time, I added some rose syrup to half of the batter. The result is absolutely fantastic! The colour turned out so beautiful with a lovely pink layer and sweet rose aroma. My boy and I finished eating the whole cake in less than 24 hrs and we have to admit that this is our top favourite flavour for now! :P

Miki's Food Archives (9)

If you'd like to try making it at home, tap the link below for the recipe.

Clickherefor Bread Recipe<<Basque Burnt Cheesecake 巴斯克芝士蛋糕 >>点击进入

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Thanks for reading, I hope you are inspired after reading my blog.If you love to see my food,clickhere,LIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook pageor follow us on Instagram:mfa_dingoozatfoodto receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed.

Posted byMiki's Food Archivesat19:22:00No comments: Miki's Food Archives (10)

Labels:,Children's Day/ Party Food,Chinese New Year Food,Christmas Food,Cupcakes,,Ninja Foodi OP350,Ninja Foodi Recipe

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Hazelnut Chocolate Muffin 榛果巧克力麦芬

Miki's Food Archives (11)

These Hazelnut Chocolate Muffins arenutty, rich and full of chocolaty goodness! It'ssuper easy to make with just 5 ingredients.



50g Self Raising Flour 自发粉 50克

1 Egg 鸡蛋 1粒

185g Hazelnut Chocolate Spread 榛果巧克力酱 185克

1 tsp Milk 牛奶 1小匙

25g chopped Hazelnut 榛果碎 25克

Miki's Food Archives (12)

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1. Lightly whisk the egg, hazelnut spread and milk until smooth and glossy.

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2. Add in flour, and mix well.

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3. Pour the batter evenly into 3-4 muffin cups. Top with hazelnuts.

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4. Bake 180'C for about 20 minutes or until cooked through.
以180度,烘烤20分钟或至熟。若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。If you like my recipe, clickhere,LIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook pageor follow us on Instagram:mfa_dingoozatfoodto receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed.

Posted byMiki's Food Archivesat02:32:00No comments: Miki's Food Archives (19)

Labels:,Cupcakes,Muffin,Nutella Recipe,中英文对照食谱

Thursday 14 April 2022

Easter Chicks Steamed Cake 超萌小鸡蒸蛋糕【复活节小鸡造型蛋糕】

Miki's Food Archives (20)

Peep Peep.... come say "hello!" to these soft, fluffy, and adorable Easter Chicks!

Eggs and chicks are often associated with Easter because they're signs of fertility and new life. Easter weekend is here, I've took some courage to make my first batch of Easter chicks steamed cakes for the kid. I'm so happy that they turned out well!

I've made this using my favourite steamed cake recipe, fill the batter into the egg shells then steam and decorated to resemble little chicks.

If you are sharing this recipe/ blog content, kindly attach the link to this blog instead of screen capture/ copy & paste/ use in your blog. No parts of the content of this blog may be reproduced without prior written permission. All rights reserved. Thank you. 如果您要分享此食谱/内容,请联系这个部落格的相关链接。敬请不要复制或改篇为自己的食谱。谢谢!

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If you'd like to try making it at home, tap the link below to view the recipe

<< Japanese Steamed Cake ~ GET RECIPE 点击进入~ 日式蒸蛋糕食谱 >>

Wishing you a happy, heartwarming Easter time!

Thanks for reading, I hope you are inspired after reading my blog.If you love to see my food,clickhere,LIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook pageor follow us on Instagram:mfa_dingoozatfoodto receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed.


By readers: some feedback from those who have tried this recipe

Miki's Food Archives (22)
By Janet Quik

Posted byMiki's Food Archivesat22:11:00No comments: Miki's Food Archives (23)

Labels:,Children's Day/ Party Food,Cupcakes,Cute Kiddy Food,,Japanese Style,Sponge Cake/ Cotton Cake/ Ogura Cake,

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Light Cheese Cupcakes 奶酪海绵蛋糕/ 芝士纸杯蛋糕

Miki's Food Archives (24)

Fluffy, soft and light cheese cupcakes with a nice balance of sweetness. Baked using water-bath method yield nice and smooth top perfect to print my son's favourite cartoon characters on top!

Ingredients: 材料
Recipe adapted from here.


35g Salted Butter 牛油 35克

35g Milk 牛奶 35克

2 slices Cheese 奶酪/芝士 2片


2 Egg Yolk 蛋黄 2粒

35g Cake Flour 低筋面粉 35克

2 Egg White 蛋白 2粒

40g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 40克

1/8 tsp Cream Of Tartar 塔塔粉 1/8 小匙

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Cute Totoro Character Cupcakes easily decorated using Hot Stamp Tool.

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Hot Stamp Tool can be purchased fromDGZ SHOP.
Choose standard designs from the templatesHEREor make your own customised designs/ logo.

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1. Double boil (A) until butter and cheese melted.


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2. Remove from heat, the mixture should be warm, not hot. Add in yolk, one at a time, mix well with a whisk.


3. Sieve in flour, mix well. Do not over-mix the batter.


4. In a stand mixer, beat egg white and cream of tartar until frothy, gradually beat in sugar. Continue to beat until firm peak.


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5. Fold egg white into yolk batter in 3 batches.


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6. Pour batter into paper cups.


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Imprint cartoon character on cupcakes using Hot Stamp Tool,
a quick and easy way to decorate cakes, no skill required.

Hot Stamp Tool can be purchased fromDGZ SHOP.
Choose standard designs from the templatesHEREor make your own customised designs/ logo.

7. Bake in a preheated oven 150'C about 45 minutes (water bath). When it's done, open the oven door and let the cake sit in the oven for 2 minutes before removing the cake from oven.


If you like my recipe, clickhere,LIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook pageor follow us on Instagram:mfa_dingoozatfoodto receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed.


By readers, some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

Miki's Food Archives (32)
By Jean Ng
Miki's Food Archives (33)
By Gina Chen
Miki's Food Archives (34)
By Iris Chia

Posted byMiki's Food Archivesat01:58:00No comments: Miki's Food Archives (35)

Labels:,Children's Day/ Party Food,Cupcakes,Cute Kiddy Food,School Recess Food/ Snack Box,Sponge Cake/ Cotton Cake/ Ogura Cake,中英文对照食谱

Friday 27 December 2019

Japanese Steamed Cake 日式蒸蛋糕

Miki's Food Archives (36)

These healthy and delicious Japanese Steamed Cakes are made with very simple ingredients, perfect for breakfast or snacks in between meals. The texture is soft and well-loved by children.

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Ingredients: yield 5-6 cupcakes

100g Pancake Mix 松饼粉 100克

1 Egg 鸡蛋 1粒

40g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 40克

30g Yoghurt, plain or any flavour 优格/酸奶 30克,可以用原味或其他口味

30g Milk 牛奶 30克

15g Melted Butter (salted) 含盐牛油/奶油 15克,融化

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These were made using mango & passion fruit yoghurt,
the cakes are so fragrant andwell-loved by children.

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Super adorable Easter Chicks Japanese Steamed Cake made using the same recipe,
added some pumpkin powder, steamed in the eggshells.
Tap here for the steps.
Photo updated: April 2022
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Method: 步骤

1. Whisk egg and sugar, stir in yoghurt and milk, and mix well.

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2. Sift in pancake mix, mix well. Stir in butter, mix well.

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3. Pour evenly on paper cups, and steam in a hot steamer for 12-15 minutes or till cooked through.

If you like my recipe, clickhere,LIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook pageor follow us on Instagram:mfa_dingoozatfoodto receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to favourite my pages if you wish to see my post on your news feed.


Some feedback from readers who have tried this recipe:

Miki's Food Archives (47)
By Nicole Mak

Posted byMiki's Food Archivesat17:07:00No comments: Miki's Food Archives (48)

Labels:,Cupcakes,Cute Kiddy Food,,Sponge Cake/ Cotton Cake/ Ogura Cake,,中英文对照食谱

Monday 11 November 2019

Eggless Banana Cake (easy, no mixer recipe) 香蕉蛋糕(不含鸡蛋/ 免搅拌机)

Miki's Food Archives (49)

An extremely easy banana cake recipe adapted from my favourite Eggless Banana Muffin Recipe. This cake is made using muffin batter baked in a cake pan. It's a perfect breakfast treat, especially when served warm with a cup of coffee.



150g All Purpose Flour 中筋面粉 150克

3/4 tsp Baking Powder 发粉 3/4小匙

3/4 tsp Baking Soda 小苏打 3/4小匙

Some Ground Cinnamon, optional肉桂粉 少许 (随意,不放也可以)


60g Salted Butter (Melted) 含盐牛油 60克,融化

100g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 100克

3 Large Banana (mashed) 香蕉 3条,压成泥

Optional: Handful of Chocolate Chips 巧克力豆,适量

Miki's Food Archives (50)
Turn muffins into a cake, baked in a cake pan.
Pan size: 11cm x 21cm

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1.. Sift (A) to mix well. Set aside.

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Easy banana muffin cake recipe, no beating/ creaming.
My kid mixes the batter with a fork. ;)

2. Mix melted butter and sugar with a fork. When it comes together, mix with a whisk.

Note: No beating/ creaming, just roughly mix with a whisk.

3. Add the butter-sugar mixture into the mashed banana, mix well.

4. Stir in (A) and mix until just well combined (no more lumps).

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5. Pour the batter into a lined cake pan. Topped with some chocolate chips (optional).

Bake Without oven

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Moist and soft Eggless Banana Cake made with 2 bananas,
baked using Ninja Foodi multi-cooker -
Bake/ Roast mode

If you do not have an oven at home, I highly recommend you to get Ninja Foodi which is so versatile and the price is reasonable for a multi-function cooker that can bake/ roast, air-fry, pressure cook, slow cook, steam, grill, sear/saute and keep warm. The cooker heats up fast - shorter baking time and lower temperature, the heat is distributed evenly as good as an oven.If you're interested, you can use our exclusive discount code to buy at the best market rate.I've attached the details and links below for easy reference.


Ninja Foodican be purchased fromNinja Kitchen Official Website. Cart out with Promo Code:MIKISNSGto get a 10% discount for any Ninja-Shark products.


Ninja Foodi can be purchased viaNinja Shark Official Website. Cart out with Promo Code:MFAOP300to get the lowest price deal.

<< Read more about Ninja Foodi product reviews >>

6. Bake 170'C for 40-45 minutes or till cooked and golden brown.


If you like my recipe, clickhere,LIKE & follow Miki's Food Archives Facebook pageor follow us on Instagram:mfa_dingoozatfoodto receive more recipe updates. Don't forget to change the setting to 'SEE FIRST' if you wish to see my post on your Facebook news feed.


By readers, some feedback from those who have tried this recipe:

Miki's Food Archives (54)
By widy_intha

Miki's Food Archives (55)
By Apple Kwan

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By Winnie Csw

Posted byMiki's Food Archivesat00:18:00No comments: Miki's Food Archives (57)

Labels:,Cupcakes,Muffin,Ninja Foodi Recipe,Sponge Cake/ Cotton Cake/ Ogura Cake,,中英文对照食谱

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.