The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas (2025)

1 1 1 1 1 1 PAGE TWO BLY'THEVILLE COURIER NEWS Suciety News (Miss Evelyn Hopkins Is Bride Of Soldier Miss Evelyn Hopkins, daughter of Mottle Lion become the bride of Pfc. Daniel of Biytheville Army Air Field and Poplar Bluff, In ceremony performed yesterday noon at the First sembly God Church. The Rev. Ramsey, pastor of officialed at the MILE ceremony. Miss Helen Ramsey wAs organist, wearing sult DE brown wool with corsage of pink rosebuds.

The bride wore suit of slate blue gabardine writh a full length fur trianned cont of the carne col-. or. Her necessories were harmonizing shnde of and site wore gardenias. shoulder corsage' of wille Mrs. Ford served as matron of honor, wearing an orchid sull with a corsage of pink rosebuds.

Mr. Ford Private Daniel's best man. Immediately after the ceremony, Private and Airs. Daniel left for a before wedding trip to Poplar Bluff returning here to make their home at 922 Lily Street, Airs. Daniel was graduated from Blytheville High School and for the nt past seven years hns been employed the Thrifty Store.

Private Daniel, the son of the Rev, and Mis. R. J. Daniel of Popat In: Huff, is with the medical corps the local air field. Son Born Last Monday are Mr.

the and parents Mrs. Howard born McCaln last Monday. The chid has been nomed Charles Howard. The McCulns have two other children, four. Royce, who is seven, and, Nancy, Christmas Dance Given Saturday Night At Hut Approximately 55 members of the icen Age group attended the Christins dance given Saturday! night at the American Legion hut when Gay Garrigon, Jonn Trieschmain, Ramona Crafton, Billy Joyner and Jimmie Lowe were hosts and hostesses.

lecd drinks were served throughout the evening as the children danced to the music of the NickleYoung odesi. Patty Neely and Buford, were winners of the Jitterbug contest. Chaperones were Miss Warren Foster. Mrs. Hermon Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Trieschuzann, Mr. and F. B. Joyner, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Hughes, Mrs. Rosco Crutton, Mr. and Mts. W.

Garrigan and Ate. and J. cecil Lowe. Family Reunion Is Held The home of Mr. and Airs.

E. J. Allen yesterday was the scene of a family reunion of members of Mrs. Allen's family, and for a Joint celebrution of the birthdays of Mr. Allen and one of the guests.

Here for the occasion were John G. Lone, scanan 1-c, and Mrs. Lane, who are sintioned at Allllington, aud Mr. MIs. Clande Gone and their son, Robert Earl, all or Tunica, who Joined Mr.

end. Mrs. Allen and her mother, Mrs. R. C.

Lane, for the day. Because Mr. Allen and Mm. John Lane both will celebrate their birth-! days this week, birthday cako was feature of the menu. The afternoon was spent informally.

Infant Son Is Named Clyde Raymond Van Horn 11, is the name given to the son born Sunday. Dec. 3, to Capt. and Mrs. R.

Van Horn of Smyrna, Tenn. Mrs. Van Horn is the former Miss Sara Evrant of Blytheville. A.A.U.W. Has Meeting Miss Rosa Hardy and Mrs.

0. E. Quellinalz were hostesses to members of the Association of American University Women when they entertained Saturday afteruoon at the Quellmalz home. Theme for the afternoon's program, presented by Aliss Hardy, was "Post- War Education." The hostesses served a dessert course to the 14 guests present. Holiday Banquet Tonight Members of the Cleaners Class of First' Baptist Church will have their annual Christmas banquet tonight, 7:30 o'clock, at the church.

Mrs. Joe Ewing, einss president, is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Walter Bishop 15 class teacher. Miss Stewart Is Bride Of Staff Sergt.

Osborne MANILA, Dec. 11-Miss Hetsy McKee Stewart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas firinely Stew-, art of Deland became the bride of Stan Sergl. Joseph W.

Osborne, son of Mrs. J. W. Osborne and the Osborne of Manila, In ceremony. solemnized nt high noon Monday.

The altar of the Manila MethodIst' Church was banked with green cry and flanked with floor baskets DI giant white chrysanthemums to form a background for the bridal party: The Rev. O. M. Campbell, pastor of the church, offclated nt the service. Mrs.

Woodrow Hutton was pion-, 16t, and Mrs. W. E. Lawhorn, vocallst. The bride wore street length dress of canary sheer wool and her Bowers were corsage of Sweetheart rosebuds.

Mrs. Vardiman Osborne, malron of. honor, wore dress of powder blue wool with a gold belt and a cor- sage of Tuilsmon rosebuds. V. B.

Osborne served us his brother's, best nann. Immediately fallowing the coremony the trip couple a Southern wedding before returning to Falrmont. Air Field, Geneva, where Bergennt Osborne Is stationed. 1 At The Hospitals Wally Hospital Admitted: Dick Plummer, Steele, Afo. Thy Adians, Braggadocio, Mo.

Will city, Mrs. J. M. Franklin, eity, Dismissed: J. M.

Lammack, city. Mrs. Blackwell, elty. Juantia Eberdt, city. Hospital Admitted: Mrs.

Clarence Howard, city. Dismissed: Mrs. Clarence Howard, city. Disinissed: Mrs. Gean Atkinson and baby.

clay. Mrs. N. R. Randolph, Hayli, Mo.

Mrs. Shelby Canard, city. Memphis. Baptist Hospital Admitted: 12alph Warth, Hayti, Mo. Head Courier News Want Ads.

she's fit ns fiddle, is five feet. inches tall, aud weighs pounds. Miss Laughner is freshman 'at Wittenberg College. Health Champ From incubator and operating table to health championChat's the story of bright-eyed Elizabeth Ann Laughner, 18, of Lectonia, above. Chosen as one of four national health champs at National 4-11 Club Congress, Chicago, she was born SO frail she was an incubator baby, was ill during much of her childhood, with a scrious operation al 8, but today Whiten your linens safely! F.

Don't churn things too long in the washing machine. Reduce rubbing by hand to 2. Avoid an inferior bleach, which may be n- controlled in action, and damage precious linens. 3. Whiten safely with Purest -only Purex is made by the exclusive Intrafil Process, insuring the same uniform bleaching action from every bottle.

Linens last longer! PUREX Al Your GENTLE TO LINENS Grocer's THE -ACTION BLEACH PUREX: Osceola Society--Personal Condition of Hen F. Butler, who has been quite 111, is Improved. Ben F. Butler who is with the Nasy at Purcell, came last week for a visit with his parents. Mr.

and Mrs. A. W. Young have returned from a trip to Washington, D. and Philadelphia, Pa.

Mrs. Young attended to business in Washington and Mrs. Young visited her -sister. Mrs. M.

L. Gingell in- Philadelphia. Mrs. Jamies E. Hyatt has gone Lo Fort, Sinith, to join her Major 17yatt.

who has just froin 28 months overseas setvice. and" Mrs. James J. Best Portland, arrived for visit with his mother, Mrs. J.

J. Best. Mr. Best, a quartermaster in the Navy, will return to Portland tor reassignment, while Mrs. Best will remain here with his another.

Walluce Shinn, seaman 1-c, of Olatha, Naval Base, is spending his 10-day leave here with his wife and family. Returns From Pacific Pic. William Everett Reid, af Osceola, is among the Marines at San Diego awaiting start of their 30- day furloughs. He has arrived in the states from the Pacific war wine where he has been stationed many months. Nearly $2,000,000,000 worth of Arins Ordnance battle equipment was delivered to U.S.

Armed forces during August. day at the Church of Christ by the Rev. H. E. Pierce.

Burial was made at Mount Zion Cemetery with Gierman Undertaking Company in charge. TAME Give Lsat well look. Add lustie. Keep your UNRULY hair lying fint. Always nec Moroline Hair Ponie.

Large HAIR bottle 25c. Sold crery where. Heads Red Cross Karl Burckhardt, above, former League of Nations High Cornmissioner for Danzig, will become International Red Cross president, succeeding Max Huber, resigned. Burckhardt has been a member of the Red Cross commitice at Geneva since 1933. Aged Steele Resident Is Buried There Friday Mrs.

Fannie S. Kelley of Steele, diled 'Thursday at the home of her son, Jack Kelley. She was 83. Mrs. Kelley had lived 31 years in Steele.

'To her friends she was fectionalely known as "Aunt Fannie." She leaves two sons, Jack and Fred L. Kelley of Steele; three daughters, Mrs. Leonard Cochran of Los Angeles, Miss Ellen Kelley of Steele, and Mrs. Emmm Armptrong of Memphis: two brothers, 0. C.

Wilson of Steele, R. L. Wilson and one sister, Mrs. Allie Bird Haynes of Murfreesboro, Tenn. She is survived by 13 grandchildren and two grent-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Fri- Let us LAUNDER your HOLIDAY LINEN Let us relieve you of burdensome laundry over the holidays and all year send us everything from the children's sturdy play clothes to your most precious: lingerie. You'll. like our service. Do not risk disappointment. ACT NOW! NU- WA LAUNDRY CLEANERS PHONE 474 ARK.


"25 Years' Continuous Service" SENTIMENTS EXPRESSED WITH FLOWERS, properly designed, are remembered always. Our Bowers are alrays fresh, and all work is guaranteed to plense. Let our expert Jestgners help you with your foral needs. The FLOWER SHOP F.T.D. Bervice Fie Deliver Anywhere Pa.

491 Mr. J. M. (Mac) Williams, ORDEr Glencoo Bldg, Planters Hdw. Inc.

home of SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT DE LAVAL MILKERS and SEPARATORS GOULD'S ELECTRIC WATER PUMPS U. S. BELTING and PACKING CANDLEWICK CRYSTALWARE COMPLETE LINES OF HARDWARE Phone 515, Blytheville, Ark, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 194-1 New York. Shop 'For Men Only' Women NEW YORK, Dec. 11 (UP)- She got fed up with women, 50 she opened shop with "Men Only" written in large ell! letters over the door.

Dull even that hasn't kept out the determined weaker sex. And MIs. Antoinette Quilleret, the woman-hater, is about ready to cry She has done everything she could think of to discourage women frein hideout shopping in her exclusive New in which she tries to sell women's things to men only. The prlecs are out of reach for most women. All advertisements are sent men.

only Lo their offices, But the wives nge 10. ferret them out of their husbonds pockets. In tact, Mrs. Quilleret even made speeches. She wold the women that Ir they leave the men alone, men will buy more for the women.

But the gals wouldn't heed the advice. They have invaded Die man's shop. And the so-called weaker sex Aus, proved too strong for Mrs. Guillerel. However, she still has hopes of keeping them out of the second Ilcor, al natty little spot where binck silk slips begin al $60.

She says wistfully, "I can at lenst bar then from the stairs. That 15 the shop pince where inen are supposed to in private, without being embarrassed by women looking over their shoulders." A few, very few, women came In, pick out a few things send in a man with a pocketbook. That, said Mrs. Quilleret, is all right. So Are the woznen who come in with the men.

But the others, well, Mrs. Quilleret has been fed up with them for long time, ever since she was connected with one of the finest dress salons in Paris. She almost changed her mind In Bristol, where she worked with 1200 women war workers, and liked it. Nor does (his Mrs. Quilleret mind her saleswomen blonde mannequlns.

Mrs. Quilleret explains these exceptions by saying. "They Are like me. They are fed up with women, tco, at least women wise shop." Then her brown eyes snapped as she hit on an idea, "Maybe after Christmas I can get what you call tough with chem, maybe I can even get a bouncer." Women shoppers had belter watch out, beenuse Mrs. Quilleret has lighting glcam in her eye: She's all set to roll up her siceves make those words on her shop door come true, for men only.

Mote than 40,000 women are part of the civilian force manning the U. S. Army's storage depots. GET AFTER RHEUMATIC PAIN a Medicine that will Prove Mself If you suffer from rheumalic pain for real muscular aches, buy help. C-2223 G0c, today $1.

'Enution: Use only us directed. Wirst bottle purchase price is refunded jE are not satisfied. Gel. C-2223. PICK UP A PEPSI CO us sat or ENERGY PLUS FLAVOR Penti-Cola Company, Long Island City, N.

Y. 'ranchised Bottler! Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of Blytheville Marie Barker Boudoir Gifl Companions for America's Loveliest Women. Maris Borher Creme Sachet New and different perfume -a tiny touch lasts all day. Dusting Powder Light as air pawder bathed in perfume -keeps you fresh and dainty.

Perfumed Cologne Hos a wonderful way of lingering for haurs -a truly different colegne. These foscinoting body needs come in three odeurs- pact Port nepical olight top Persuasion touring) sach MISS WHITSITT'S SHOP "Sce What's New at Whitsitt's" Leon Duclos In Navy Coming Events TUESDAY Chapter of D.A.R. miecting at Hotel Noble for I o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Find Rose, Mis. James B.

Clark Mrs. O. W. McCutchen, cohostesses. Mrs.

R. B. Stout entertaining Club Eight. Mrs. Robert Porter entertaining Double Club.

Tuesday. Bridge. Club meeting with Mrs. Max B. Reid, Mrs.

Robert Phillips entertaining 1.3 Neuve Club. Bridge clue meeting with Mrs, G. S. Barnes. Business and Professional Women's Club having Christmos nor party at Hotel Noble, 7:30 p.m.

WEDNESDAY Wednesday Bridge Club meeting Mrs. G. W. G. D.

Caudill Chamblin, entertalning Town and Country Club. Chatter of P.F.O. Sisterhead meeting with Mrs. J. A.

Leech. THURSDAY Mit-Week Club meeting with Mrs. Aubrey Conway. Miss Pally June Davis entertaining Thursday Night Bridge Club. Thursday Contract Club meeting with Mrs.

H. W. Wylle. Mrs. W.

M. McKenzie lug Octette Club. Fortnightly Club meeting with Mrs. S. P.

Thursday Luncheon Club meeting with Mrs. Byron Morse. Club 28 having dance at American Legion Hut. FRIDAY Mrs. J.

D. Smith entertaining C. D. C. Club for luncheon, p.m.

Mrs. Claude Stewart entertaining Initial Club. Mrs. John Brillhart entertaining G.N.B. Club.

Friday Rummy, Club. Mrs. Mitchell Yales entertaining, Lieut. Otto Kochtilzky To Wed Mississippi Girl An engagement of wide interest in this section Is that of Miss! Marjorie Richards Blephenson pt Columbus, to Lient. Otto Morse Kochtitzky, formerly of Blytheville and now of Columbus sud Langley Field, which has been announced by her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Grady Steplienson of. Columbus. The bride-elect received her A. degree from Mississippi Stale College for Women, Columbus, where she was in member of seycral social organizations, She spent the past year New Orleans where she was -ted with -the Naval Department rnd since has been associnted with Doster: Hospital at Columbus.

Lieutennns Kochtitzky, son. of Olta Kochtitzky, graduated from Lee Iigh School in Columbus and attended versity of the South, Sewance, where he bechnie member of Kappa Alpha fraternity. He received his conmissioni and! wings as a navigator nt Ellington Field. Texas, where 'he since has been stationed AS an Instritetor until transferred recently. 'The family, prominent both in Southeast Missouri and Blvtheville, tnoved to Columbus in 1935 after having resided here for 3 number of years.

Miss Smith Complimented At Dinner Party Saturday Miss Elizabeth Smith, bride-elect of Corp. Fred Dyer Wade of Blytheville and Camp Crowder, WAS and guest of lingerle honor shower nt Saturday dinner party when Mrs. Robert Wade and Mrs. L. A.

Berry entertained at the hare of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wide.

Dinner was served buffet style from a Jace draped table, centered with a shallow bowl of pink and wAS white carnations. The holiday theme remembered In a Christmns scone nrranged on the buffet, and in vases of red Radiance uacd to decorate the living room. Following dinner, Miss Smith was presented with gifts of lingerie from the 12 guests present, and later the croup attended the picture show. Miss Smith; whose marriage to Corporal Wade will be 'solemnized Thursday afternoon, again well) be complimented tomorrow night when Mis. E.

R. Dickinson and her daughter, Mrs. B. J. Allen entertain with a dinner at their country home.

Mrs. Barnes Is Hostess The approaching holiday WAS cnphasized in the decoralions ol the T. J. Barnes home Friday alterncen when Mrs. Barnes entertained members of the Fridny Rummy Club and one guest, Airs.

Victor Stilwell, at a party. In the rummy games played. Mrs. LaFayette May won high score prize end Mrs. Stilwell second high, A.

salad plate with coffee was served, and names were exchanged for the Christmas party to be held nest. Friday. Relief At Last For Your Cough it Creomusion relleves hocause trouble to goes right to the sea: or the germ laden help phicgm, loosen and expel to soothe and heal raw, and aid tender, nature inbrines. flained bronchial mucous bottle druggist to sell you Tell your derstanding Creomulsion with the quickly allays you must like the way it to have your the cough or you are CREOMULSION for Couzhs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Leon Arthur Duclos, who went la Little Rock recently to take his preliminary tests for entering the Navy, did not return home before beginning service. Passing the test for study of radar, he was told the Navy needed him immediately and 50 he begen service al once.

From Camp Robinson he WILS sent to San Diego, for training. Eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.

Duelos, he 1s altnost 18. Bits of News Mostly, Personal Hob Goodrich returned to Paris, this morning after a week's visit here with his mother, Mrs. P. A. Goodrich and faunily.

Mrs. John Blythe to out after a week's illness wIth be Nucnza. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Turner and son, Bobby, were called to Datesville, yesterdsy by the death of father, a retired Presbyterian home 1:1 Shreveport, Funeral who died Saturday nt.

his services will ve held In Balesville: Mr. and Mra. If. 1'. Blythe of Memphis spent yesterday here with Dais mother, Mrs.

John Blythe, and his sisters, Mrs, Frank Greer and Mrs. William Malia and their fam. lies. Mr. and Mrs.

Melvin Malsel and Mrs. C. Nabers spent today ha Memphis. P. Crafton and her daughter, Mrs.

J. F. Tomlinson and for duughter, Belty Tou, left Saturday St. Louts, where they will spend '10 days with another of Mrs, Crat-' tons Heinicke daughters, Mis. Adolphe and Mr.

llelnicke. S. C. Moore is ill at his home at 700 West Walnut. Mrs.

A. M. Butt Ls Improved at her home after having been Ill for the past weck. Condition of L. T.

Moore who Is critically H1 at his home, was slightly improved this morning. Ills Mrs. Moore Phillips, returned Suturday to Juntsville. after come 1 here last week to be with her father. Mr.

Moore's 9011, L. 'T. Moore who also came last week Iron Waco, Texas, will remaln here will nfter the hollinys. Miss Jenn O'Brien of Memphis the weekend guest of her uncle mud aunt, Mr. and Mrs.

Fletcher and family. Mrs. Helen Abraham Is In Syraeuse, N. where she was called last week because of the death of her Inther. Meetings A specinl call meeting of the American Legion Ansilury will be held Lennorrow night, 7:30 o'clock, nt the hut.

Mrs. Joe Scruggs, presldent, today asked leis make a special effort to attend. The inceting of the Dorcas Sunday School Cluss of First Baptist Church, scheduled for Friday alternoon, has teen postponed until Inter dale. MARGARET'S BEAUTY SHOP 104 S. FIRST Phone 2532 Bring Us Your Beauty Problems MODERN EQUIPMENT EXPERT BEAUTICIANS Visit Us In Our NEW BUILDING Located at 121 E.

Main St. T. I. SEAY MOTOR CO. Chrysler Dealer Parts Service 121 F.

Main Phone 2122 GIFTS of DISTINCTION -It's Samart to Shop AtThe Gift Shop Modern Antique Gifts MOSS BRYAN RITZ Continuous Shows Every Day Box Ofice Opens 1:45 Show Starts 2:00 LISTEN FO KLCA 12:48 4:30 Last Time Today Fighting Seabees with John Wayne and Susan Hayward Paramount News and Selected Short Subjects Tuesday Wednesday Double Feature THE NUTMOST. IN CARSON WYMAN MANNING WARMERS' Make Your Own Bed With Aloo HAi George TOBIAS Roton SHAYNE D.reciod by PETER GODITFY Screen Play by Richard Sworn Edmand Josoph Adopted by Richord Weil lien a Flay by Harvey 1.0 O'Higgins and Horsial ford STAMPS BUY IN BONDS In On Sale Lobby! and Dangerous Journey with Dennis Tour ROXY Matinces 801. Only Opens each olght starta Opens Sauda; Starla 1:10 Centiozon: Showa Bet. And 83a Night Every Night 8aturday. Ne honored 00 Juts) stie Rosy.

Last Time Today Kansas City Kitty with Joan Daris Bob Crosby Fox News Selceted Short Subject Tuesday Wednesday Stars on Parade with Lynn Merrick and Larry Parks Selected Shorts.

The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.